TGU Public School District

Resolution and Mediation

Indicator 15. Resolution Sessions: Percent of hearing requests that went to resolution sessions that were resolved through resolution session settlement agreements. The NDDPI reported fewer than ten resolution sessions held in FFY 2017. The State is not required to provide targets until any fiscal year in which ten or more resolution sessions were held.

Indicator 16. Mediation: Percent of mediations held that resulted in mediation agreements. The NDDPI reported fewer than ten mediations held in FFY 2017. The State is not required to provide targets until any fiscal year in which ten or more mediations were held.

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address:
Resolution Sessions
The State of North Dakota reported fewer than ten resolution sessions held in the reporting period. The State is not required to provide targets until any fiscal year in which ten or more resolution sessions were held.
The State of North Dakota reported fewer than ten mediations held in the reporting period. The State is not required to provide targets until any fiscal year in which ten or more mediations were held.