TGU Public School District

The Student Engagement indicator under North Dakota’s school performance measures is based upon student surveys administered annually for students in grades 3-12. Since the Student Engagement survey data is a non-academic indicator of school quality, schools receive Student Engagement points based upon the percentage of students indicating “committed” or “compliant” levels of engagement from across the engagement domains listed below.

Research has shown when students are engaged in their learning they succeed at school. Students have been documented to engage in their learning in three specific and unique domains: Behavioral, Cognitive and Emotional engagement. Below you will find specific details on how students in this school or district feel they are engaged in the three mentioned domains. Engagement is measured in committed, compliant, and disengaged.

Cognitive Engagement – A student’s perceptions and beliefs associated with school and learning. It refers to the cognitive processing a student brings to academic tasks as well as the amount and type of strategies a student utilizes (Walker, Greene, & Mancell, 2006. Identification with academics, intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, and self-efficacy as predictors of cognitive engagement.)

Behavioral Engagement – A student’s observable actions or participation while at school that is investigated through a student’s positive conduct, effort and participation (e.g., participation in extracurricular activities, attendance and work habits.) (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004. School engagement: Potential of the concept, state of the evidence.)

Emotional (Affective) Engagement – A student’s feelings toward his school, learning, teachers and peers (Jimerson, Campos & Grief, 2003. Toward an understanding of definitions and measures of school engagement and related terms.)

Committed (Authentic Engagement) – The student volunteers resources under his/her control (time, effort and attention.) The student is attentive to the task because he/she finds personal meaning and value in the task. The student persists with the task even when he/she experiences difficulty and does not compromise personal standards for the completion of the task. (Schlechty Center for Leadership in School Reform)

Compliant – The student spends only as much time, energy and resources as are required to get the reward offered or designed. The student is attentive to the task because he/she perceives the receipt of some desired extrinsic reward which is conditionally available to those who pay attention to the task and do what is required of them. OR… the student does only those things that must be done and does little or nothing outside the context of direct supervision by the teacher. (Schlechty Center for Leadership in School Reform)

Disengaged – The student does nothing and when forced through direct supervision to do the task, either engages in compliance or rebellion. The student employs strategies to conceal his/her lack of involvement. Or…the student overtly refuses to comply with the requirement of the task (e.g., cheating, refusing to do the work or even doing other work in place of what is expected.) (Schlechty Center for Leadership in School Reform.)

The “Performance Trends” tab shows current year and trend percentages of students who are Committed, Compliant, and Disengaged Overall and within the Behavioral, Cognitive, and Emotional domains.

The “Performance Demographics” tab shows current year and trend percentages of students by demographic subgroup who are Committed, Compliant, and Disengaged Overall and within the Behavioral, Cognitive, and Emotional domains.

The “Performance Demographics” tab shows student engagement by level Overall along with the Behavioral, Cognitive, and Emotional domains.

To protect student privacy, data for schools who have less than 10 students will not be displayed.

In some cases, when appropriate for the purpose of transparency, information involving 10 or more students may be displayed in ranges to avoid potential identification of students in small demographic populations. When utilized, ranges may be represented visually with diagonal lines or open circles in lightly shaded colors.

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address:

Engagement Level:

Overall Trend -

Shows changes in overall engagement over time.

Behavioral Trend -

Shows changes in Behavioral engagement over time.

Cognitive Trend -

Shows changes in Cognitive engagement over time.

Emotional Trend -

Shows changes in Emotional engagement over time.

Engagement Level:

Overall Trend Demographics -

Shows changes in overall engagement over time by demographic subgroup.

Behavioral Trend Demographics -

Shows changes in Behavioral engagement over time by demographic subgroup.

Cognitive Trend Demographics -

Shows changes in Cognitive engagement over time by demographic subgroup.

Emotional Trend Demographics -

Shows changes in Emotional engagement over time by demographic subgroup.

Academic Year:

Overall Results

Shows Overall Engagement by level in the academic year.

Behavioral Results

Shows Behavioral Engagement by level in the academic year.

Cognitive Results

Shows Cognitive Engagement by level in the academic year.

Emotional Results

Shows Emotional Engagement by level in the academic year.

Overall Participation

Shows participation of the enrolled student body in the engagement survey.

District Participation by Demographic

Shows participation of the district demographics in the engagement survey.