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The Insights Data Download feature allows users to perform their own research on some of the datasets that drive the charts and graphs in this site.

Please note: This data has potentially identifiable data removed, or converted to a range of values. As population sizes decrease, the liklihood that suppression is needed increases. Ranges are shown with low and high columns for their respective measure. In cases where data is suppressed, an asterisk (*) or an empty cell is shown. For additional descriptions of a particular measure, please see the explanations attached to the graphs of that measure on other pages in Insights.

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Under state and federal law de-identified information from the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) may be used only for statistical purposes. Any attempt to determine the identity of any student, parent, or other individual whose information is contained in a de-identified dataset is prohibited by Federal law and will result in the violator being prohibited from access to personally identifiable information from education records for at least five years. If an individual who attempts to determine the identity of any person whose information is contained in a de-identified dataset is a public servant, the individual could be subject to prosecution under N.D.C.C. § 12.1-13-01 for disclosure of confidential information in violation of a public duty.

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  • Not to link any information in this dataset with personally identifiable information from any other SLDS dataset or any other dataset.

For questions concerning K12 Education Data, please contact the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction:

Phone: 701-328-2260

For all other questions you may contact ITD Statewide Longitudinal Data System:

E-mail: SLDS@ND.Gov
Phone: 701-328-4470

COVID-19 Notice:

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, state assessments were not administered and therefore data for student achievement and student growth are not available for the 2019-2020 school year.

Based upon North Dakota's waiver approved by U.S. Department of Education, North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction did not calculate the Accountability Index for schools for the 2019-2020 report cards. Furthermore, Choice Ready data was not collected for the 2019-2020 school year. The School Support Status is based upon school performance results for the 2018-2019 school year.

Accountability Pie
This dataset outlines the accountability score breakout by each of the school performance indicators. Entities had had no indicators where they scored zero points.
ACT - 11th Grade Exam
This dataset shows participation rate and student performance for North Dakota public high school students on the 11th grade ACT exam.
ACT - Graduate Max Score
This dataset shows participation rate and student performance for North Dakota public high school graduates. The ACT results are compiled using the test with the maximum composite score for each graduate.
Assessment Participation
This dataset shows the participation rate reported as the percentage of students who took North Dakota’s required state assessments North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA), the North Dakota Alternate Assessment (NDAA), or the ACT exam. Note: Due to COVID-19, 2019-2020 data is a placeholder year and contains 2018-2019 data.
Assessment Performance
This dataset shows the performance of students who took North Dakota’s required state assessments North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA), the North Dakota Alternate Assessment (NDAA), or the ACT exam. Note: Due to COVID-19, 2019-2020 data is a placeholder year and contains 2018-2019 data.
This dataset shows the average daily attendance for students in an entity.
Choice Ready
This dataset shows percent of High School graduates who meet the requirements of each component of Choice Ready.
Chronic Absenteeism
This dataset shows the attendance data for chronically absent students.
Civil Rights - AP Courses
This Office of Civil Rights dataset refers to a program, sponsored by the College Board, through which students may earn college credit and advanced college placement by successfully completing AP courses and standardized AP exams.
Civil Rights - Chronic Absences
This Office of Civil Rights dataset describes studenta who are absent 15 or more school days during the school year.
Civil Rights - Pre-K Enrollment
This Office of Civil Rights dataset includes only those children in preschool programs and does not include those enrolled in kindergarten or primary programs.
Civil Rights - School Safety
This Office of Civil Rights dataset is intended to provide consistent and reliable information about school safety to parents and the community.
CTE Course Counts
This dataset shows counts of students receiving credit in CTE Coursework.
CTE Pathway Counts
This dataset shows counts of students who meet the minimum requirements for a CTE pathway.
CTE Primary Pathway Counts
This dataset shows counts of students whom this is their primary CTE pathway.
Developmental Rate
This dataset describes participation in courses designed to prepare students currently attending college for college level courses in mathematics and English language arts (ELA).
Dropout Rate
This dataset shows the dropout rate for students in the state of North Dakota.
Dual Credit - Early Entry
This dataset shows ND high school students who take college credit while in high school via “dual credit” / ”early entry” coursework offered through a college or university.
Engagement Survey
This dataset shows participation and results in the Student Engagement Survey by academic year. Results are broken out into Overall Engagement, Behavioral, Cognitive, and Emotional subject areas.
English Learner Rate
This dataset shows how districts and schools improve educational outcomes for English Learners.
ESSER Spending
This dataset shows ESSER Allocations and Expenditures Dashboard shows the total funding allotted to North Dakota school districts from the three Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) funding opportunities.
FAFSA Completions
This dataset shows the percentage of 12th grade students who apply for FAFSA aid throughout the school year.
Graduation Rate - Four Year Cohort
This dataset shows the On-Time Graduation Rate, the percentage of students who graduated from high school within 4 years of entering the 9th grade. Students within the initial cohort who graduate, drop out, or continue beyond the fourth year of high school after entering the 9th grade are accounted for within the calculation, while students recorded as transferring to another school or district are removed from the calculation and do not count against a school or district.
Graduation Rate - Traditional
This dataset shows the percentages of high school students who graduated by obtaining a high school diploma. Students in their senior year form the denominator of the Traditional Graduation Rate, and those who ultimately graduated within the year form the numerator.
Growth Rate
This dataset shows student progress against growth expectation over the current and prior achievement results in ELA and Math.
K-12 Enrollment
This dataset shows enrollments at Schools, District, and Statewide. Results can be further broken down by grade and subgroup.
Long Term Goals
This dataset shows long-term goals for schools and districts in North Dakota.
This dataset describes the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) or the “Nation’s Report Card” that is administered on a biannual basis.
Per Pupil Spending
Dataset description for Per Pupil Spending
Post-Secondary Enrollments
This dataset allows a researcher to see North Dakota University System (NDUS) enrollments by Field of Study and Institutional Programs. Enrollments counts are taken on the Fall Census, which occurs on the 3rd Monday in September.
Post-Secondary Field of Study Graduates
This dataset shows graduates by field of study (CIP) from NDUS public institutions in North Dakota.
Post-Secondary Program Graduates
This dataset shows graduates by program from NDUS public institutions in North Dakota.
Staffing Details
This dataset shows makeups of teachers and staff in North Dakota.