TGU Public School District

North Dakota’s Department of Public Instruction has established guidelines to help districts and schools improve educational outcomes for English Learners. The visualizations below represent the following performance indicators for English Learners in North Dakota’s K-12 public schools.


EL Growth: English Learner Language Proficiency Growth shows the percentage of students that are learning the English language and have met the expectations for reading, writing, and speaking English according to their respective established goals of exiting the English Language program. The student results are based upon how well English Learners progressed on North Dakota’s state assessment for English Learners (currently WIDA-ACCESS 2.0) over two years. Students are assigned a five year exit goal based upon their initial ACCESS 2.0 assessment results.


EL Exit Rate: North Dakota strives to help English Learner students attain language mastery within five years of entering an English Learner program. This chart shows the percentage of English Learner students who met the criteria to exit the program in a given year.


On Track to Complete: The percentage of English Learners on track to exit the English Learner program within 5 years of their first North Dakota ACCESS 2.0 test.


First-Year in Country: These students include English Learners who have been enrolled in a school within the United States for the first time. These students are exempt from being required to take the NDSA English Language Arts (ELA).


Students start on the growth trajectory at the composite proficiency level (PL) of their first annual English Learner Proficiency (ELP) assessment in North Dakota (currently ACCESS 2.0). This is considered year 0 or base score. Year one growth is determined after the second annual ELP assessment. The students’ trajectories will be constructed from the starting point proficiency level to the 5.0 target proficiency level over a period of years according to the table below.


Level Years to Attain PL (Exit)
1.0-1.9 6 years
2.0-2.9 5 years
3.0-3.9 4 years
4.0-4.9 3 years
5.0-5.9 2 years


English Learner students in North Dakota will need to annually increase their composite language proficiency level of the annual ELP assessment and remain at or above their established goals. English Learner students in North Dakota will attain English proficiency (exit the program) by receiving a 3.5 proficiency level in each domain of listening, speaking, reading, and writing and a 5.0 composite proficiency level.

To protect student privacy, data for schools who have less than 10 students will not be displayed.


In some cases, when appropriate for the purpose of transparency, information involving 10 or more students may be displayed in ranges to avoid potential identification of students in small demographic populations. When utilized, ranges may be represented visually with diagonal lines or open circles in lightly shaded colors.

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address:


The percentage of English Learners who are growing at the expected trajectory to successfully exit the English Learner program.

Exit Rate

The percentage of English Learners who met the criteria to exit the English Learner program.

On Track to Complete

The percentage of English Learners who are on track to exit the program within five years.

First Year in Country

The percentage of English Learners who are in their first year in the country.

English Learner Demographics

The percentage of English Learners who are growing at the expected trajectory to successfully exit the English Learner program divided out by demographic subgroup.