Map Name: 2018-2019 Wilkinson Title 1
Time Period: 8/22/2018 - 5/24/2019

The vision is to welcome and celebrate the individuality of students staff parents and community. 


The mission is to prepare students to be successful at the next level of education work and life. 


Be respectful be responsible be safe be kind. 

Students after one year of instruction in English Language Arts will meet expected growth-target according to NWEA from FAll 2018-Spring 2019.
Students after one year of instruction in Math will meet expected growth-target according to NWEA from Fall 2018-Spring 2019.
Safe and Civil
Students will become better citizens who will be successful at the next level of education work and life by increasing the number of student assets and decreasing the number of incident reports.
  • Use a variety of technology follow curriculum guides provide early intervention strategies.
  • Use a variety of technology follow math curriculum guides and implement McGraw Hill curriculum.
  • Creating high expectations following CHAMPS improving procedures in common areas Prof. Dev.
Critical Initiative
  • Participates in NWEA testing progress monitoring AIMS web.
  • Small group differentiation focus on informational text: key ideas and details
  • Require teacher accountability for project based learning
Critical Initiative
  • Participates in NWEA testing progress monitoring AIMS web.
  • increase small group differentiation within classrooms
  • Include STEAM activities
Critical Initiative
  • Implement consistent hallway lunchroom classroom and playground procedures.
  • Kind Kid recognition
  • Consistently participate in CHAMPS
Key Measures
  • Report cards AIMS NWEA NDSA
  • eleot observation tool
  • NWEA
  • AIMS
  • Progress Monitoring
Key Measures
  • AIMS
  • Progress Monitoring
  • NWEA
  • Report cards AIMS NWEA NDSA
  • eleot observation tool
Key Measures
  • Parent Survey
  • Student Survey
  • Staff Survey
  • Behavior Logs
  • Office Refferals
  • increased integrity
  • Misbehaving parent phone calls office referrals
The Strategy Map has been created in collaboration with The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction and Cognia™.

All schools in North Dakota participate in a Continuous Improvement process. Continuous Improvement means examining a school’s current reality including demographics, culture, technology, finances, and academic progress, among many other factors. In addition, Continuous Improvement means looking into the future and predicting what may change – what will be different a year from now, or 10 years from now.


During the 2018-2019 school year, all schools in North Dakota participated in this Continuous Improvement journey. School personnel participated in training and collaborated with diverse stakeholders such as community members, teachers, parents and students to map out what the school’s priorities are, what the school’s objectives are and what critical initiatives needed to be implemented to achieve those objectives. This planning process resulted in a Strategy Map – a 3 to 5-year plan for the school.


It is important to note that the Strategy Map is a snapshot in time. It is documentation of what the school’s priorities were the past school year. In this case the Strategy Map below was captured and submitted on May 1, 2019. It is equally important to note that the Strategy Map below may have changed since its submittal. This is because priorities may have changed quickly depending on numerous factors. Factors can include, but are not limited to, a natural disaster, a high staff turn-over rate, or an influx or decrease of students. To obtain a copy of this schools current and update Strategy Map, please contact the local school administrator.

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address: