Edmore Public School District

Cohort Type:

ACT Cohort Types

11th Grade Exam: This cohort of students are the test takers from what was formerly the state mandated exam that all 11th grade students take.

Max Score of Graduates: This cohort of students comprises all graduates in a given academic year and uses the ACT results from the test with the maximum composite score for that student.

ACT Participation

These visualizations represent the ACT participation rate and student performance for North Dakota public high school student with graphs representing the ACT Composite, along with subscores in English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing subject tests. Student demographic measures are available under “Participation Demographics”. *Note that this measure only represents students attending public North Dakota high schools. Participation based on all test takers compared with all enrolled students during the test period.

ACT Performance

These visualizations represent North Dakota public high school student ACT performance with graphs representing subscores in English, Math, Reading, and Science subject tests as well as the overall ACT Composite score. Individual subscores and the overall Composite score are based upon a scale of 0 to 36. Student demographic measures are available under “Performance Demographics”. *Note that this measure only represents students attending public North Dakota high schools and is limited to students who have been enrolled for at least 120 days within the school year.

ACT Benchmarks

These visualizations represent North Dakota public high school student ACT performance in the with graphs representing percentage of students who exceeded Benchmarks in English, Math, Reading, and Science subject tests as well as the overall ACT Composite score. Benchmarks are based on College Board ACT College Readiness and defined as: Students who meet a benchmark on the ACT have approximately a 50% chance of earning a B or better and approximately a 75% chance of earning a C or better in the corresponding college course or courses. The composite benchmark was determined using data from the North Dakota University System. Students who meet the benchmark have a 50% chance of passing all courses in the first two semesters. Student demographic measures are available under “Benchmark Demographics”. *Note that this measure only represents students attending public North Dakota high schools and is limited to students who have been enrolled for at least 120 days within the school year.

To protect student privacy, any data elements involving fewer than 10 students are not displayed.

In some cases, when appropriate for the purpose of transparency, information involving 10 or more students may be displayed in ranges to avoid potential identification of students in small demographic populations. When utilized, ranges may be represented visually with diagonal lines or open circles in lightly shaded colors.

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address: dpidashboard@nd.gov

Performance Overview

Composite Participation Rate

This is the participation rate of students taking all test components.

Composite Participation Rate Demographics

This is the participation rate of students taking all test components.

Composite Performance Score

This is the average score of students taking all test components.

English Performance Score

This is the average score of students taking the English component.

Math Performance Score

This is the average score of students taking the Math component.

Reading Performance Score

This is the average score of students taking the Reading component.

Science Performance Score

This is the average score of students taking the Science component.

Composite Performance Score

This is the average score of students taking all test components.

English Performance Score

This is the average score of students taking the English component.

Math Performance Score

This is the average score of students taking the Math component.

Reading Performance Score

This is the average score of students taking the Reading component.

Science Performance Score

This is the average score of students taking the Science component.

Composite Benchmark Score

This is the percent of test takers who met a minimum composite benchmark of 22.

English Benchmark Score

This is the percent of test takers who met a minimum english benchmark of 18.

Math Benchmark Score

This is the percent of test takers who met a minimum mathematics benchmark of 22.

Reading Benchmark Score

This is the percent of test takers who met a minimum reading benchmark of 22.

Science Benchmark Score

This is the percent of test takers who met a minimum composite benchmark of 23.

Composite Benchmark Score Demographics

This is the percent of test takers who met a minimum composite benchmark of 22.

English Benchmark Score Demographics

This is the percent of test takers who met a minimum english benchmark of 18.

Math Benchmark Score Demographics

This is the percent of test takers who met a minimum mathematics benchmark of 22.

Reading Benchmark Score Demographics

This is the percent of test takers who met a minimum reading benchmark of 22.

Science Benchmark Score Demographics

This is the percent of test takers who met a minimum composite benchmark of 23.