Edmore Public School District

Reporting of Highly Qualified Teachers in core content areas is no longer required. Beginning with the 2017-18 ND’s Expanded Accountability Dashboard, North Dakota’s Department of Public Instruction will report the percent of teachers that are licensed, in addition to other new reporting requirements.

The State of North Dakota offers alternate teaching opportunities to address critical teacher shortages by allowing alternate access licenses to individuals who have not completed all the requirements for traditional licensure in North Dakota.

Emergency teacher licensure is a process whereby the North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board can grant temporary teaching certificates to individuals who do not meet the traditional licensure criteria. Alternate Access licenses (emergency licenses) can only be granted in cases where no licensed teacher can be found to fill a given position. During this temporary licensure period, a teacher must work toward permanent certification through the traditional channels.

Alternate Access licenses are issued for a period of one year.

Click the “+” next to the numbers of Administrators, Service Specialists, and Teachers to see respective counts by gender and race.

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address: dpidashboard@nd.gov
Reporting of Highly Qualified Teachers in core content areas is no longer required. Beginning with the 2017-18 ND’s Expanded Accountability Dashboard, North Dakota’s Department of Public Instruction will report the percent of teachers that are licensed, in addition to other new reporting requirements.

The State of North Dakota offers alternate teaching opportunities to address critical teacher shortages by allowing alternate access licenses to individuals who have not completed all the requirements for traditional licensure in North Dakota.

Emergency teacher licensure is a process whereby the North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board can grant temporary teaching certificates to individuals who do not meet the traditional licensure criteria. Alternate Access licenses (emergency licenses) can only be granted in cases where no licensed teacher can be found to fill a given position. During this temporary licensure period, a teacher must work toward permanent certification through the traditional channels.

Alternate Access licenses are issued for a period of one year.

Click the “+” next to the numbers of Administrators, Service Specialists, and Teachers to see respective counts by gender and race.

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address: dpidashboard@nd.gov
Number of Administrators 1.75
Number of Service Specialists 0.06
Number of Teachers 5.19
Number of Teachers with Emergency or Provisional Certificate 0
Average Years of Experience of Teachers 12.00
Percent of Teachers with Advanced Degrees 75.00%
Percent of Teachers with Less than Three Years of Experience 0.00%
Percent of Teachers out of Field 0.00%