Beulah Public School District

Indicator 5: School Age Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).
A. Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day.
B. Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day.
C. Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements.

Indicator 6: Preschool Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).
A. Percent of children with IEPs aged 3 through 5 attending a regular early childhood program and receiving the majority of special education and related services in the regular early childhood program.
B. Percent of children with IEPs aged 3 through 5 attending a separate special education class, separate school or residential facility.

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address:
Education Environment (Ages 6-21) – Regular Classroom ≥80% of Day
Academic YearReporting YearIndicator 5a TargetIndicator 5a RateTarget Met?Rate Minus Target
Education Environment (Ages 6-21) – Regular Classroom <40% of Day
Academic YearReporting YearIndicator 5b TargetIndicator 5b RateTarget Met?Rate Minus Target
Education Environment (Ages 6-21) – Separate Facilities
Academic YearReporting YearIndicator 5c TargetIndicator 5c RateTarget Met?Rate Minus Target
Preschool Environments – Regular Classroom
Academic YearReporting YearIndicator 6a TargetIndicator 6a RateTarget Met?Rate Minus Target
Preschool Environments – Separate Classroom or Facilities
Academic YearReporting YearIndicator 6b TargetIndicator 6b RateTarget Met?Rate Minus Target
Preschool Environments – Receiving Special Education and Related Services in the Home
Academic YearReporting YearIndicator 6c TargetIndicator 6c RateTarget Met?Rate Minus Target