Beulah Public School District

COVID-19 Notice:

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, state assessments were not administered and therefore data for student achievement and student growth are not available for the 2019-2020 school year.

Based upon North Dakota’s waiver approved by U.S. Department of Education, North Dakota’s Department of Public Instruction did not calculate the Accountability Index for schools for the 2019-2020 report cards. Furthermore, Choice Ready data was not collected for the 2019-2020 school year. The School Support Status is based upon school performance results for the 2018-2019 school year.

North Dakota Long-Term Goal

North Dakota’s Department of Public Instruction collaborated with stakeholders across the state to set ambitious, yet achievable long-term goals for schools to ensure that 100% of all students attending public schools are ready to graduate high school on time and succeed in living a prosperous life by pursuing their choice of going to college, joining the armed forces, and/or attaining a job.

The graphs and charts below represent the long-term goals over the next six years for the key performance areas listed that have been identified by NDDPI in attaining 100% readiness of students attending public schools. Intermediate progress goals are calculated for each year based upon the difference between the established baseline goal and the six-year long-term goal. The visualizations for each measure include a table with baseline, intermediate, and long-term goals for each subgroup and a graph depicting progress toward those goals.

  • Student Achievement: These visualizations illustrate progress toward established goals for combined proficiency rates on the NDSA and NDAA across the tested grades.
  • Graduation Rate: These visualizations illustrate progress toward established graduation rate goals for the four-year adjusted cohort, five-year extended cohort, and the six-year extended cohorts.
    *Note: Long-Term Goals for Graduation Rates at some schools, districts, and / or the state for certain student populations may already have been met prior to the sixth year. In this case, the annual increment for the respective academic year(s) will be represented as a straight horizontal line. If they have already met these goals, the school, district, and / or state is expected to maintain their targets until NDDPI re-establishes long-term goals.
  • English Learner Language Proficiency: These visualizations illustrate progress of English Learner students toward established goals for English Learner Proficiency Growth from one year in the English Learner program to the next year in the English Learner program.

The 2018-2019 academic year was the first year of implementing progress toward long-term goals. For the 2021-2022 academic year, long-term goals for ELA and Math proficiency were reset to the 2019-2020 levels in accordance with the accountability addendum approved by the US Department of Education. Progress toward all long-term goals will reset after the 2023-2024 academic year.

To protect student privacy, data for schools who have less than 10 students will not be displayed.

In some cases, when appropriate for the purpose of transparency, information involving 10 or more students may be displayed in ranges to avoid potential identification of students in small demographic populations. When utilized, ranges may be represented visually with diagonal lines or open circles in lightly shaded colors.

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address:

Long Term Goal Filters

ELA Proficiency Goals

This shows the six year goals of ELA Proficiency.

Math Proficiency Goals

This shows the six year goals of Math Proficiency.

Four Year Cohort Goals

This shows the six year goals for Four Year Cohort Graduations.

Five Year Cohort Goals

This shows the six year goals for Five Year Cohort Graduations.

Six Year Cohort Goals

This shows the six year goals for Six Year Cohort Graduations.

English Learner Proficiency Goals

This shows the six year goals for English Learner Proficiency.