May-Port CG Public School District

Graduation and Dropout Rates

Indicator 1. Four Year High School Graduation Rate of students with IEPs: Percent of youth with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) graduating from high school with a regular high school diploma. This is a measure of an on-time graduation rate based on an adjusted cohort of a group of students with an IEP who earn regular diplomas within four years of the first time they entered the 9th grade. In the state of North Dakota, diplomas for students who receive special education services are awarded in the same manner as diplomas awarded to students without disabilities.

Indicator 2. High School Dropout Rate of Students with IEPs: Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school. ND defines Dropouts as students who leave school prior to graduation for reasons other than transfer to another school. Therefore, students receiving special education services that exit with a certificate of completion or have reached the age limitation of attendance are considered dropouts.

Indicator 17. Six Year Extended High School Graduation Rate of Students with Emotional Disturbance: The North Dakota State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP), in line with State identified Measureable Result (SiMR), is focused on increasing the six year extended graduation rate of students identified with emotional disturbance as a primary disability. The scope of NDDPI's effort is to provide support to local units with professional development in their planning model and process to keep students enrolled in school, bringing students back to school (re-entry), and assisting students to earn a diploma.

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address:
Four Year Graduation Rate – Students with IEPs
Academic YearReporting YearIndicator 1 TargetIndicator 1 RateTarget Met?Rate Minus Target
Dropout Rate – Students with IEPs
Academic YearReporting YearIndicator 2 TargetIndicator 2 RateTarget Met?Rate Minus Target
Six Year Graduation Rate – Students with Emotional Disturbance
Academic YearReporting YearIndicator 17 TargetIndicator 17 RateTarget Met?Rate Minus Target