Map Name: 2023-2024 Northern Cass Elementary School Improvement Plan
Time Period: 5/1/2023 - 4/30/2024

We believe every learner can change the world; therefore, we will provide a world class education.

  1. We are dedicated and passionate about relationships, teaching and learning, acknowledging greatness, self-reflection, and service to the Northern Cass community.

  2. We are dedicated to continuous improvement. 


Northern Cass will commit to  purposefully build trust, develop authentic relationships, and engage in innovative practices which will empower learners to be choice ready.

HRS Level 5
Competency-Based Education/Personalized Learning/Continue Transition to Proficiency-Based Education
HRS Level 2
Effective Teaching in Every Classroom/Evidence-Based Decision Making/MTSS
HRS Level 3
Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum/Choice Ready/Portrait of a Learner Attributes and Competencies
  • Northern Cass will continue the transition to proficiency-based education system.
  • By the end of each academic year, 100% of learners will be able to define 80% of their guaranteed vocabulary with appropriate accommodations.
  • By the end of each academic year, the number of learners from Tier III will decrease.
  • By the end of the academic year, Northern Cass will increase percentage of learners who believe they have active self-direction in their learning.
  • By the end of the academic year, Northern Cass will increase the percentage of learners who identify school as relevant to 40% (from 35%).
  • 100% of all high school learners will participate in either two job shadows and/or one internship as part of their graduation requirement.
  • By end of the academic year, enrollment in CCCTEC and local CTE courses will increase
  • By the end of Level 12, 8, 5, and 3 in each academic year, 100% of learners will demonstrate proficiency in an identified number of attribute areas.
  • By the end of the academic year, 100% of all learners who want to engage in an internship will be provided the opportunity.
  • By the end of the academic year, 100% of all Level 5 learners will participate in a job shadow.
  • By the end of the academic year, 100% of all Level 5-8 learners will identify strengths and interests.
  • By the end of the academic year, 100% of all Level 9-12 learners will begin and/or revise a four year choice ready plan.
  • By the end of the academic year, 100% of learners will be provided feedback on two competencies by their educator/s.
  • By the end of the academic year, 100% of PK-5 learners will be introduced and interact with a variety of careers.
  • By the end of the academic year, Northern Cass will increase the percent of choice ready learners in all three areas.
Critical Initiative
  • Continue transition to competency-based learning with a focus on coaching, conferencing, and our utilization of Empower (LMS).
Critical Initiative
  • Educators will identify their guaranteed vocabulary and assess two times per year and/or semester.
  • Northern Cass will identify what constitute self-directed learning.
  • Northern Cass will identify what relevant learning experiences are while also defining what is and is not engaging.
  • Northern Cass will utilize their MTSS framework and corresponding supports to meet the needs of all learners.
Critical Initiative
  • Northern Cass educators will provide feedback on Portrait of a Learner attributes during each priority standard.
  • Northern Cass learners will be provided the opportunity to enrolled in local CTE courses as well as courses through the Cass County Career and Technical Education Center.
  • Northern Cass learners with work with the Director of College, Career, and Life Readiness to identify areas of passion where they could participate in an internship.
  • Provide a robust learning experience where college, career, and military learning options are provided on a regular basis throughout the school year.
  • The Director of College, Career and Life Readiness will work with the Elementary and Secondary Counselor to provide a robust career development experience in PK-12.
  • The Director of College, Career and Life Readiness will work with the Elementary Counselor to provide an opportunity for every Level 5 learner to participate in a job shadow.
  • The Director of College, Career and Life Readiness will work with the Secondary Counselor to assess learner strengths as they develop a four year choice ready plan.
  • The Director of College, Career and Life Readiness will work with the secondary learners to provide a robust career development with an option for job shadows or internships based on first choice.
Key Measures
  • Percent of Learners Who Reach Proficiency (LMS)
Key Measures
  • Benchmarks from assessment calendar
  • End of Priority Standard Survey
  • Healthy Schools Update
  • Transcend LEAPS Survey
Key Measures
  • Choice Ready Report Data
  • Instructional Rounds Data
  • Number of Learners Enrolled
  • Number of learners who job shadow
  • Number of Learners who Participate in Internships
HRS Level 1
Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Schools/Stakeholder Engagement/School Culture
  • By the end of the academic year, Northern Cass will create a community team which will assist in the transition to a Full Service Community School.
  • By the end of the academic year, Northern Cass will implement a protocol for screening/servicing/supporting age 3-5 learners as needed.
  • By the end of the academic year, there will be a 5% increase in families will identify as being engaged in the school setting.
  • By the end of the academic year, there will be a 5% increase in learners who identify Northern Cass as a safe, supportive, and collaborative culture.
  • By the end of the academic year, there will be over 2,500 combined greatness cards sent to learners and educators.
  • Northern Cass will retain 95% of certified and non-certified educators in like positions during the academic year.
  • There will be an increase the average scores in the four assessed areas from the School Perception survey.
Critical Initiative
  • Conduct a needs assessment of all learners (by the counseling department) in order to provide support and/or services.
  • Continue our FSCS Implementation Team monthly meetings.
  • Continue partnership with North Dakota State University counseling department to provide small group social emotional learning lessons/groups.
  • Continue utilizing a weekly memo to update stakeholders on upcoming events/issues/announcements.
  • Create a board for the Community Health and Wellness Center non-profit which will guide the FSCS process.
  • Create a committee representing Northern Cass Education Association, Board of Education, and leadership to meet 4 times per year to discuss concerns, questions, and potential issues.
  • Create and host a PK Learner Shadow Day to introduce Northern Cass to future learners.
  • Create Greatness Cards for learner to educator, educator to educator, learner to learner, and Board member to educator which will be tracked and updated regularly.
  • Engage educators with Safety Net survey and protocol to identify learners who lack connections to adults within our building.
  • Explore further partnerships with community-based organizations to provide services.
  • Host a State of the District convening two times per year.
  • Host an annual Early Learning Fair which includes PK screenings for all learners ages 3 and 4.
  • Host site visits and other events to engage stakeholders.
  • Northern Cass will continue to utilize is Communication Plan while also soliciting feedback on potential revisions through surveys and focus groups.
  • Northern Cass will utilize focus group interviews every other academic year.
  • Offer a social emotional learning course for high school learners co-taught by counselors and a learning center educator.
  • Utilize the Remind App for all co and extra-curricular activities as the main form of communication.
  • Utilize the School Perceptions survey on an annual basis.
Key Measures
  • Amount raised, sponsorships, and services provided
  • Board meetings and notes
  • Exit Survey
  • Family Engagement Survey
  • Greatness Cards Tracking Spreadsheet
  • Increase services while reducing areas of need
  • Learner Exit Survey and Staff Training
  • Minutes from meetings and exit surveys
  • Northern Cass Needs Assessment Survey
  • Number of families who 'download' the app.
  • Number of weekly memos and survey of families
  • PK Shadow Day Survey
  • Safe Supportive and Collaborative Survey
  • Safety Net Survey
  • School Perception Survey
  • School Perception Survey and Comparison Results
  • Slideshow and recording along with attendance
  • Spreadsheet of Visitors at Northern Cass
  • Survey from Early Learning Fair
The Strategy Map has been created in collaboration with The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction and Cognia™.

All schools in North Dakota participate in a Continuous Improvement process. Continuous Improvement means examining a school’s current reality including demographics, culture, technology, finances, and academic progress, among many other factors. In addition, Continuous Improvement means looking into the future and predicting what may change – what will be different a year from now, or 10 years from now.


During the 2018-2019 school year, all schools in North Dakota participated in this Continuous Improvement journey. School personnel participated in training and collaborated with diverse stakeholders such as community members, teachers, parents and students to map out what the school’s priorities are, what the school’s objectives are and what critical initiatives needed to be implemented to achieve those objectives. This planning process resulted in a Strategy Map – a 3 to 5-year plan for the school.


It is important to note that the Strategy Map is a snapshot in time. It is documentation of what the school’s priorities were the past school year. In this case the Strategy Map below was captured and submitted on May 1, 2019. It is equally important to note that the Strategy Map below may have changed since its submittal. This is because priorities may have changed quickly depending on numerous factors. Factors can include, but are not limited to, a natural disaster, a high staff turn-over rate, or an influx or decrease of students. To obtain a copy of this schools current and update Strategy Map, please contact the local school administrator.

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address: