Map Name: 2023-2024 Lincoln Elementary School Continuous Improvement Plan
Time Period: 5/1/2023 - 4/30/2024

Together, our strong relationships build inclusive, collaborative, and innovative environments that create agency and inspire a passion for learning, excellence, and discovery.


Empower every learner to thrive. 


BPS Values:                     

Inclusion, Excellence, Innovation & Leadership


At Lincoln Elementary, we are respectful, responsible, safe, and kind. 

Learning Excellence
We will achieve high levels of mastery for all students to develop agency by assessing their own learning and planning for how they will increase their competencies.
Operational Excellence
We will acknowledge and examine our personal beliefs and practices to evolve systems and partnerships while growing both collective and individual expertise.
Personal Excellence
We will develop and support learner agency that goes beyond academics to improvement of self through cultivating a deep appreciation of diversity in humans and how we can positively impact others.
  • Academic Growth MTSS-A: Empowering all learners to be choice ready through a tiered system framework
  • Collaborative teams regularly interact to address common issues regarding curriculum, assessment, instruction, and the achievement of all students.
  • Communicate a clear vision as to how teachers should address instruction using the Lincoln Instructional Framework.
  • Ensure all students experience core instruction that is common across grade level and focused to adequately address it in the time provided each year.
  • Professional Learning Communities: Staff working together to support all learners at all levels
  • Standards-Based Education: Standards drive instruction so students can meet or exceed proficency
  • Allow opportunities for staff, students, parents and the community to provide input regarding the optimal functioning of the school.
  • Communication of Comprehensive Plans: Feedback, evaluation & revision loop for optimal performance
  • Employ robust communication tools, including: notifications via email and web postings, social media presence, parent newsletters, & emergency alerts.
  • Human Capital Development: Employees learn & apply new learning
  • Manage fiscal, operational, and technological resources in a manner that directly supports instruction and aligns with key school initiatives.
  • Partnerships: Connect with the community to enhance and enrich experiences for learners.
  • Provide job-embedded professional development that is directly related to instructional growth goals.
  • Teachers have formal roles in the decision-making process regarding school initiatives.
  • "Engage community collaborators to meet the behavioral and mental health needs of all learners. "
  • Ensure all classrooms have programming and expectations in place to create a positive school climate and support learning.
  • "Ensure as a school we cultivate and integrate diversity in all learning environments by recognizing and celebrating needs, ideas, and perspectives. "
  • Establish and monitor a continuum of evidence-based interventions at all MTSS levels that results in early identification and intervention.
  • MTSS-B/ISF: Establish and monitor continuum of evidence-based interventions at all MTSS levels that results in early identification and intervention.
  • Staff are involved in professional development related to meeting SEL needs of students, resulting in improvements in social skills and engagement.
Critical Initiative
  • Adhere to district determined schedule of benchmark/screening assessments while utilizing core curriculum guides.
  • "Clarify a clear Instructional vision/framework to guide teachers in effective teaching strategies. "
  • "Consistency in the use of observation tools to collect and analyze classroom observation data related to instruction. "
  • "Continue training and engagement in PLC Learning Cycle so that all essential questions of high functioning PLC’s are represented in the work. "
  • "Data teams have set and communicated school-wide goals. "
  • "Define/Clarify MTSS-A Continuum of supports. "
  • Ensure that all students experience core instruction that is common across grade level that is sequenced and scoped in order to accommodate the timely school year.
  • Ensure that the curriculum and assessments adhere to the state standards.
  • Establish and communicate clear and consistent grading practices that are supportive of all learners.
  • Formal schoolwide data reviews will occur regularly to monitor student achievement.
  • Hold data reviews every 6-8 weeks to monitor the progress of learning on both ILPs and IEPs.
  • Implement Tier II/III interventions with with fidelity.
  • "Maintain organization of agendas and artifacts (map, unit plans, proficiency scales, assessments, etc.) that reflect a student-centered approach with the use of proficiency scales. "
  • PLC audit process operational and used regularly to give teams feedback.
  • Provide a framework & structure which promotes consistency & predictability without excess verbal instruction, then students will engage in learning & maintain an academically challenging environment
  • Provide ongoing training on the Student Assistance Team (SAT) process and procedures to address concerns early on in the learning process.
  • Teachers are provided with job-embedded professional development that is directly related to their instructional growth goals.
  • Teachers have opportunities to observe and discuss effective teaching. Expand coaching model to include opportunities for teachers to observe and discuss effective teaching.
  • Teachers review and self-assess their PLC team on the Collaboration Scale at least one time per year.
  • Teams meet regularly to address common issues regarding curriculum, instruction, assessment, and achievement of all students.
  • Timely feedback from instructional rounds/walk-throughs is provided to classroom teachers utilizing the observation tool that is grounded in our instructional framework.
  • Train staff on difference between differentiation and Tier II intervention to include design and implementation of tiered interventions.
Critical Initiative
  • "Create a google form for students to give anonymous feedback and maintain it on the school’s library login-portal. "
  • Create a master schedule that best meets the needs of students.
  • Create and foster feedback from all stakeholders including students. Anonymous feedback from students and any stakeholders will be available through google forms.
  • Create tools and processes to gather stakeholder input ongoing (e.g. surveys, interviews, anonymous reporting, face-to-face meetings, etc.) .
  • Develop an evaluation growth model for teachers - with clear ongoing evaluations of their pedagogical strengths and weaknesses that are based on data and are consistent with student achievement.
  • "Engage staff in analyzing school data to understand predominant practices. "
  • Engage staff in goal planning utilizing the self-evaluation rubric of chosen goal (element), goal planning document, component determination to write an appropriate, rigorous professional goal.
  • Engage teachers in leadership opportunities such as Leadership team, PBIS team, safety team, MTSS-A team, Student council, etc. Teachers will have opportunities to provide feedback & input.
  • Enhance and maintain Lincoln Hub.
  • Facilitate collaborative teams to collectively develop walkthrough tools for each staff chosen element.
  • Identify leadership opportunities for staff and students to provide input and have formal roles in decision-making.
  • Increase parent and community involvement in the school. This includes involvement in activities, PTO, and communication.
  • "Increase parent communication with the intent to inform parents about procedures and practices. "
  • Refinement of Decision Making Matrix.
  • Report evidence to stakeholders that expenditures in the budget are aligned with key initiatives.
  • Share data, reports, evidence at the school level with stakeholders to build trust and transparency. This includes reports such as budget, MTSS-A, and MTSS-B data, etc.
Critical Initiative
  • Continue staff training on MTSS as an integrated system of supports for meeting all student needs.
  • "Create a schoolwide calendar of events that highlights SEL and Inclusion activities (cultural, disability awareness, etc). "
  • Create systems and environments that provide timely support to students in need. Behavior Intervention Plans are written, fidelity checks and monitoring is occurring.
  • Create systems and structures that provide timely support to students in need. Behavior intervention plans are written and monitored.
  • "Create Tier II/Tier III fidelity checks and/or decision-making matrices. "
  • Develop and train all stakeholders on school expectations.
  • Engage stakeholders in creating videos highlighting school expectations; Share behavior expectations with families.
  • Lesson plans utilized and schoolwide plan for teach and re-teach of expectations for Common Areas, such as, playground and cafeteria - schedule re-teach with video via morning announcements.
  • Monitor and update ISF continuum and teach One-stop-shop for resources to all staff.
  • MTSS-B Tier 2 - Define and train staff on Tier 2 interventions and implement fidelity checks for Tier 2 (i.e., CICO and SAIG fidelity checks).
  • "MTSS-B Tier 3 - Utilize ISF Team to plan, monitor, and implement fidelity checks for Tier 3 plans and how to access the community collaborator. "
  • Re-teaches and bottom line conversations & parent phone call scripts.
  • "Review Student Engagement Survey and analyze results with staff. "
  • Training and reviewing SEL competencies for both students and staff (include trauma training, mental wellness, emotional intelligence, executive functioning skills, etc.)
  • "Update and monitor continuum of evidence-based interventions at all MTSS levels (schoolwide). "
  • "Update and reteach expectations for conduct using student handbook that outlines schoolwide expectations and response to misbehavior. "
Key Measures
  • District Progress Report
  • District Tiering Data
  • Guiding Coalition Feedback Surveys
  • HRS Level 2 Survey Results
  • Intervention Data
  • NDSA, Benchmark and SBE Data
  • PLC Collaboration Scale
  • School Climate Survey (HRS Level 1)
  • Walkthrough Data Collection Tool
Key Measures
  • HRS Level 2 Survey Results
  • Instructional Framework Self Evaluation Rubrics
  • School Climate Survey (HRS Level 1)
Key Measures
  • BECA Survey
  • District Engagement Survey
  • District Progress Report
  • ISF Report
  • School Climate Survey (HRS Level 1)
Environmental Excellence
We will ensure a learning community that feels safe through strong relationships with one another and through the advancement of empathy and co-regulation skills.
  • "CLIMATE AND CULTURE: Ensure all staff understand and follow district policy related to bullying and student discipline. "
  • "Create experiences for all learners which instill joy and recognize school and individual successes. "
  • "Develop and train all stakeholders on safety processes and procedures. "
  • "DIGITAL STEWARDSHIP: Develop best practices and procedures for monitoring, re-teaching, and promoting digital stewardship for all learners "
  • Ensure all staff understand and follow district policy related to bullying and student discipline.
  • SCHOOL SAFETY: Develop and train all stakeholders on safety processes and procedures
Critical Initiative
  • All students and staff will review the Responsible Use Policy. This will be shared with each family.
  • "Clarify staff expectations of positive acknowledgement system and utilize a system for tracking positive interactions. "
  • Complete annual policy review for bullying and school discipline with all staff each fall.
  • "Conduct monthly practice drills, document debrief meetings and share feedback through the leadership team. "
  • "Create ""Lightning Minutes"" to share with our stakeholders our expectations. This should include what is/is not a fix-it and major behavior. "
  • "Create a ""new to school"" portfolio for new students and families outlining our beliefs, expectations, school songs, maps, staff list, etc. "
  • Create a process for new student intake to gather information and teach school expectations to be delivered by Student Council members.
  • Create a process for visitors to the building with support from the Student Council.
  • Create a safety committee to review, update our procedures and routines. This committee will train all staff. This plan is to include the new health regulations as well as the new portable additions
  • "Create an informational folder/binder for substitute teachers. "
  • Develop and implement a year long plan for teacher wellness.
  • Develop and train all stakeholders on safety processes and procedures
  • "Develop, plan for and conduct table top drills. "
  • Engage staff in deeper training of minor vs.major behaviors and Fix-It plans.
  • Engage staff in monthly review and training of fix-it and major data. Share ISF data monthly and historical data.
  • "Implement a system of fidelity checks for supervisor movement, visibility and communication. "
  • "Increase the 5:1 positive interaction ratio. "
  • Recognize successes of the school and of individuals within the school (monthly assemblies, student/staff awards, etc).
  • Review the “Report a Bully” process on our school website with students and parents.
  • Review behavioral matrices and expectations for managing student misbehavior with all staff.
  • "Review threat assessment process, mandated reporting and suicide protocol with staff. "
  • Staff and stakeholders will complete a survey from HRS and results should reflect the majority agree that the school environment is safe and orderly.
  • "Train and develop instructional aides in consistency of utilization of safety vests and walkies. "
  • Train staff in positive reinforcement and acknowledgment system and utilize a system for tracking positive interactions.
  • Update and Review Emergency Response Plan (maps, procedures, etc)
Key Measures
  • BECA Survey
  • ISF Report
  • School Climate Survey (HRS Level 1)
The Strategy Map has been created in collaboration with The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction and Cognia™.

All schools in North Dakota participate in a Continuous Improvement process. Continuous Improvement means examining a school’s current reality including demographics, culture, technology, finances, and academic progress, among many other factors. In addition, Continuous Improvement means looking into the future and predicting what may change – what will be different a year from now, or 10 years from now.


During the 2018-2019 school year, all schools in North Dakota participated in this Continuous Improvement journey. School personnel participated in training and collaborated with diverse stakeholders such as community members, teachers, parents and students to map out what the school’s priorities are, what the school’s objectives are and what critical initiatives needed to be implemented to achieve those objectives. This planning process resulted in a Strategy Map – a 3 to 5-year plan for the school.


It is important to note that the Strategy Map is a snapshot in time. It is documentation of what the school’s priorities were the past school year. In this case the Strategy Map below was captured and submitted on May 1, 2019. It is equally important to note that the Strategy Map below may have changed since its submittal. This is because priorities may have changed quickly depending on numerous factors. Factors can include, but are not limited to, a natural disaster, a high staff turn-over rate, or an influx or decrease of students. To obtain a copy of this schools current and update Strategy Map, please contact the local school administrator.

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address: