Map Name: 2024- 2025 Jamestown Middle School Continuous Improvement Plan
Time Period: 6/1/2024 - 5/31/2025

Engaging students with challenging and innovative experiences to prepare them for future success.


Our vision is to prepare students for tomorrow’s challenges by practicing skills such as the 4C's  integrated with our academic standards. We believe all students should have personalized, authentic experiences that integrate with the community for meaningful learning.  


JPS values strong relationships between and among students, staff, parents, and the community.  By engaging students with a rigorous and relevant curriculum, high quality instruction, and employing our guiding value of ""Learning for all"" we strive to meet the mission and vision of our district.

Culture of Learning
Culture of Learning
Engagement of Learning
Engagement of Learning
Growth in Learning
Growth in Learning
  • Jamestown Public Schools will annually survey stakeholders and create building level goals to increase stakeholder engagement by 5% each year
  • JPS will analyze existing wellness strategies for stakeholders and provide no fewer than two improvement strategies annually
  • JPS will annually inventory cultural and family engagement activities to create a baseline and meet or exceed one activity per quarter.
  • JPS will survey staff annually to create building specific baselines of culture and establish goals to retain and recruit high quality staff.
  • Jamestown Public Schools will annually decrease chronic absenteeism by 1%.
  • JPS inventory of activities that promote student relevancy and connection to create a baseline and meet or exceed one activity per course or grade.
  • JPS will build capacity in all stakeholders to support the implementation of personalized learning by 2027
  • JPS will increase the percentage of engaged students by 2% annually in the categories of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement
  • JPS will annually analyze the Marzano framework at each building and create goals to increase the use of effective practices for 100% of teachers.
  • JPS will establish building baselines and annually develop improvement goals for growth in Math, ELA and Science towards top quartile proficiency.
  • JPS will implement classroom intervention and enrichment activities for 100% of priority standards by 2027
  • JPS will serve 80% of students in core instruction, 15% core plus more, and 5% of students with replacement core and inclusive experiences by 2029.
Critical Initiative
  • Establish and publish staff wellness strategies through the district wellness committee
  • Establishment of a Safety Task Force, representative of buildings/levels, School Resource Officer, and emergency services to review policies and emergency procedures.
  • JPS utilize staff survey data to support building level leadership team goals around retention factors such as: Time Management, Choice and Decision Making, and Care and Support of instructional staff
  • JPS will establish a regular cadence of cultural engagement strategies to continuously improve positive culture systematically at all levels by January of 2025
  • JPS will utilize Cognia Surveys to establish baseline stakeholder engagement. DSI and advisory teams will develop actions steps for continuous improvement
Critical Initiative
  • Each building will produce an inventory of classroom and school activities that promote student relevancy and connection
  • Evaluate current practice and professional learning, to ensure that challenging learning experiences are embedded in all courses.
  • Jamestown Public Schools SARB committee will analyze current performance on chronic absenteeism and develop strategies to meet the district goal.
  • Schools will set a goal and provide evidence of strategies and resources for development of non-academic skills and strategies that support a culture of trust, respect, and concern for one another
Critical Initiative
  • Development of baselines for progress monitoring in Marzano Domains 1, 2, 3, and 4 through an advisory of teachers and administrators for the purpose of enhancing the frequency of effective practice
  • Identify coaching and PLC cycle support for the development of intervention and enrichment activities for priority standards
  • Identify MTSS baselines and Monitor school and district MTSS goals with the MTSS Self Assessment for North Dakota (SAND) tool.
  • Jamestown Public Schools will establish a comprehensive database of learning outcomes with the ability to analyze longitudinal effects of programs and interventions by 2025.
Leadership for Learning
Leadership for Learning
  • JPS will annually inventory community engagement activities to create a baseline and meet or exceed one activity per building
  • JPS will annually inventory leadership and mentor opportunities for staff and provide no fewer than one improvement strategy.
  • JPS will define well rounded student outcomes for 100% of students and report and align curriculum and practices by 2027
  • JPS will ensure a guaranteed and viable curriculum by annually reporting proficiency on priority academic standards in 100% of courses by 2026.
Critical Initiative
  • Jamestown Public Schools will build capacity in grades 6-12 to report annually on proficiency on academic standards in 100% of courses by 2026.
  • JPS will use staff survey data as a basis for encouraging the analyzing formal and informal leadership development opportunities
  • School Building Leadership Teams will inventory community engagement activities and report current levels of engagement activities and goals for improvement
  • Schools will set a goal and provide evidence of strategies and resources for development of non-academic skills and strategies that support a culture of trust, respect, and concern for one another.
The Strategy Map has been created in collaboration with The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction and Cognia™.

All schools in North Dakota participate in a Continuous Improvement process. Continuous Improvement means examining a school’s current reality including demographics, culture, technology, finances, and academic progress, among many other factors. In addition, Continuous Improvement means looking into the future and predicting what may change – what will be different a year from now, or 10 years from now.


During the 2018-2019 school year, all schools in North Dakota participated in this Continuous Improvement journey. School personnel participated in training and collaborated with diverse stakeholders such as community members, teachers, parents and students to map out what the school’s priorities are, what the school’s objectives are and what critical initiatives needed to be implemented to achieve those objectives. This planning process resulted in a Strategy Map – a 3 to 5-year plan for the school.


It is important to note that the Strategy Map is a snapshot in time. It is documentation of what the school’s priorities were the past school year. In this case the Strategy Map below was captured and submitted on May 1, 2019. It is equally important to note that the Strategy Map below may have changed since its submittal. This is because priorities may have changed quickly depending on numerous factors. Factors can include, but are not limited to, a natural disaster, a high staff turn-over rate, or an influx or decrease of students. To obtain a copy of this schools current and update Strategy Map, please contact the local school administrator.

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address: