Cavalier Public School District

Total Completions

Showing percentage of 12th graders who have successfully submitted FAFSA Applications as of Friday, March 7, 2025.

Financial aid, especially the aid provided through the FAFSA application, continues to be an important avenue to provide students with access to post-secondary education. While many factors are involved in the decision to attend college, a strong correlation exists between FAFSA completion and college enrollment. The U.S. Dept. of Education is providing states with the opportunity to share some FAFSA data for seniors with high schools. In North Dakota, this project is being created to increase FAFSA applications among high school seniors. It will give district counselors a tool to track FAFSA applications and completion progress for seniors. The National College Access Network (NCAN) is a strong promoter of the FAFSA and why it is important to invest in increasing FAFSA completions. You can read more here: Why Invest In Increasing FAFSA Completion?

The following materials may add to your toolkit as you help students with the FAFSA application:

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address: