North Dakota Job Openings by Standard Occupation Classification (SOC)

The following interactive report shows the job openings by County. This is viewable by both Major Grouping (2 Digit) and Detail Grouping (6 Digit) of the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) System.

The data shown here represents the total job openings as collected by Job Service of North Dakota (JSND) Labor Market Information Center through it's Labor Exchange System. The job openings are classified by Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) 2010 System. ( Insights displays values at the Major Group Level (2 Digit) and the Detailed Occupation (6 Digit). In many cases a detailed occupation cannot be produced so you will see many are placed into an All Other category. In rare cases, even the Major Group is unknown so job openings show up at 99-0000.

Insights contains a few options for research here:

  • State Overview: In this tab, you will find a line chart that shows Job Openings over Time. This contains the top 6 Major Group Occupations that have job openings in North Dakota as ranked by Average Monthly Openings. You may also view the data by using Average Monthly Openings per 10,000 North Dakota Residents.
    You will also find a table that displays all data by calendar year. It contains Major Group (2 Digit) SOC definitions, but when you click the plus sign (+) on the left side, you can expand the child items at the Detail Occupation (6 Digit). Please note that Average Per 10,000 Residents is not always available, especially when viewing current year data. The denominator values are taken from the American Community Survey that is administered by the U.S. Census Bureau.
  • Explore Openings by County/Region: On this tab, there is a deeper dive into the Job Openings available in North Dakota. You can combine years, select specific counties or economic regions, and filter to specific SOC Occupations. Please note: The data here is aggregated and rounded at the county level and then can be totalled at the State Level. The values may differ from the State Overview whose values were aggregated and rounded at the state level.

Additional Information can be found at the Job Service Labor Market Information Center at:

Job Openings Filters
Use the following options below to filter the results of Job Openings.
Job Openings Over Time - Statewide
The following table shows the Top 6 Major (2 Digit) SOC Occupations by year. Values are displayed by monthly openings averaged over the course of a year. The 2024 year data is an average of January through December.
Job Openings by Major and Detail Occupation
The following table shows the Job Openings for Major (2 Digit) and Detail (6 Digit) SOC Occupations by year. Expand the Major Occupation to see detail occupations. To choose a different year, please select one from the list to the right. Values are displayed by monthly openings averaged over the course of a year. The 2024 year data is an average of January through December.