If a college degree is your goal, it’s never too early to start preparing for college. You’ll want to start imagining what your college journey might look like. Remember to focus on developing quality organizational skills, good time management skills, maintaining grades, and excellent note taking skills and study habits. These skills will help you continue to succeed in high school and set you up for success in college as well.
You should take a wide variety of high school courses to help prepare you for college and the future. By exploring many subject areas, you may find the career that best suits your interests and talents. Some electives, such as visual/performing arts, career and technical education, and foreign languages, may influence your career choice.
If you plan to earn a bachelor’s degree, the North Dakota University System (NDUS) recommends you take a mathematic course during each year of high school, including advanced Algebra. Additional high school core courses may be required before you can be admitted to an NDUS institution or even some academic programs.
Visit with your high school guidance counselor to find out which courses your school offers and which courses are required for you to attend an NDUS institution.
Also, you may want to get a head start on college by accumulating college credit before you start college. High school students in grades 10, 11, and 12 have the potential to earn college credit while in high school. There is also potential to earn enough college credits while in high school to earn a certificate or associate degree. Earning those first college credits enables you to learn advanced material, and also introduces you to how well you will be able to handle the additional rigor of college-level studies. Starting college studies early helps smooth the transition to college life.
College students who are North Dakota residents and who have completes college coursework as a high school student from a North Dakota institution may qualify for a $750 scholarship. You can receive this financial assistance after completing at least one semester at an institution of higher education in the state. For eligibility requirements and the application process, visit the NDUS website at NDUS.edu. If you can’t afford to pay for college credit while in high school, you can take out a student loan to cover the cost or apply for assistance offered by BND.