Program List

Area, Ethnic, Cultural, And Gender Studies

Program Degrees Offered
American Indian Studies (UGIS) Bachelor of Arts (BA-IS)
Women & Gender Studies (UGWGN) Certificate (CERT-WGN) , Certificate (CERT-WGN2)
Women and Gender Studies (UGWGS) Bachelor of Arts (BA-WGS) , Bachelor of Arts (BA-WGS2) , Bachelor of Arts (BA-WGS3)

Biological And Biomedical Sciences

Program Degrees Offered
Biology (GRBIO) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-BIOL) , Master of Science (MS-BIOL)
Biology (UGBIO) Bachelor of Science (BS-BIOL) , Bachelor of Science (BS-BIOLPH)
Biomedical Sciences (GRBS) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-BMS) , Master of Science (MS-BMS)
Fisheries and Wildlife Biology (UGFWB) Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-FWB) , Bachelor of Science in FWB (BSFWB-FWB)
Molecular and Integrative Biol (UGMIB) Bachelor of Science (BS-MIB)

Business, Management, Marketing, And Related Support Services

Program Degrees Offered
Accountancy (GRACC) Master of Accountancy (MACC-ACC) , Master of Accountancy (MACC-ACC2) , Master of Accountancy (MACC-ACC3)
Accountancy (UGACC) Bachelor of Accountancy (BACC-ACCT) , Bachelor of Accountancy (BACC-ACCT2)
Banking & Financial Economics (UGBFE) Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-BFE)
Business Administration (GRBSA) Master of Business Admin (MBA-BADM) , Master of Business Admin (MBA-BADM2) , Master of Business Admin (MBA-BADM3)
Business Economics (UGBSE) Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-BSE)
Entrepreneurial Studies (UGENS) Certificate (CERT-ENS)
Entrepreneurship (UGENT) Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-ENTR)
Finance (UGINV) Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-INVEST)
Human Resource Management (UGHRM) Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-HRM)
Management (UGMNG) Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-MGMT) , Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-MGMT2) , Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-MGMT3)
Managerial Finance & Acct (UGFCA) Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-MFCA)
Marketing (UGMRK) Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-MRKT) , Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-MRKT2) , Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-MRKT3)
Nonprofit Administration (UGNPL) Certificate (CERT-NPL)
Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt (UGOSC) Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-OSC)
Social Entrepreneurship (GRSOE) Certificate (CERT-SOE) , Certificate (CERT-SOE2) , Certificate (CERT-SOE3)

Communication, Journalism And Related Programs

Program Degrees Offered
Communicating Science (GRCSC) Certificate (CERT-CSC) , Certificate (CERT-CSC2)
Communication (GRCMM) Master of Arts (MA-COMM) , Master of Arts (MA-COMM2)
Communication (GRCPD) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-CPD) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-CPD2)
Communication (UGCOM) Bachelor of Arts (BA-COMM) , Bachelor of Arts (BA-COMM2) , Bachelor of Arts (BA-COMM3)
Conflict Mediation (UGCME) Certificate (CERT-CME) , Certificate (CERT-CME2) , Certificate (CERT-CME3)
Health Communication (UGHTC) Certificate (CERT-HTC) , Certificate (CERT-HTC2) , Certificate (CERT-HTC3)
News Production (UGNPR) Certificate (CERT-NPR) , Certificate (CERT-NPR2) , Certificate (CERT-NPR3)
Prof & Exec Communication (UGPEC) Certificate (CERT-PEC) , Certificate (CERT-PEC2) , Certificate (CERT-PEC3)
Social Media Strategies in Com (UGSMC) Certificate (CERT-SMC) , Certificate (CERT-SMC2) , Certificate (CERT-SMC3)
Sports Communication (UGSCO) Certificate (CERT-SCO) , Certificate (CERT-SCO2) , Certificate (CERT-SCO3)
Strategic Comm, Advert & Pub R (UGSCA) Certificate (CERT-SCA) , Certificate (CERT-SCA2) , Certificate (CERT-SCA3)

Communications Technologies/Technicians And Support Services

Program Degrees Offered
Digital Prod for Media Industr (UGDPM) Certificate (CERT-DPM) , Certificate (CERT-DPM2) , Certificate (CERT-DPM3)

Computer And Information Sciences And Support Services

Program Degrees Offered
AI and Machine Learning (GRAIM) Certificate (CERT-AIM) , Certificate (CERT-AIM2)
Computer Science (GRCPS) Master of Science (MS-CSCI) , Master of Science (MS-CSCI2) , Master of Science (MS-CSCI3)
Computer Science (GRSCC) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-SCC) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-SCC2)
Computer Science (UGCPS) Bachelor of Science in CompSci (BSCSCI-CS2) , Bachelor of Science in CompSci (BSCSCI-CS3) , Bachelor of Science in CompSci (BSCSCI-CSC)
Cyber Security (GRCYB) Certificate (CERT-CYBE2) , Certificate (CERT-CYBER)
Cyber Security (GRCYS) Master of Science (MS-CYS) , Master of Science (MS-CYS2) , Master of Science (MS-CYS3)
Cyber Security (UGCYS) Bachelor of Science in Cyber S (BS-CYS) , Bachelor of Science in Cyber S (BS-CYS2) , Bachelor of Science in Cyber S (BS-CYS3)
Data Science (GRDSC) Master of Science (MS-DSC) , Master of Science (MS-DSC2) , Master of Science (MS-DSC3)
Data Science (UGDSC) Bachelor of Science (BS-DSC) , Bachelor of Science (BS-DSC2) , Bachelor of Science (BS-DSC3)
Information Systems (UGIFS) Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-ISYS)
Secure Networks (GRSNE) Certificate (CERT-SNE) , Certificate (CERT-SNE3)


Program Degrees Offered
Adapted Physical Education (UGAPE)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (UGASD) Certificate (CERT-AUS) , Certificate (CERT-AUS2) , Certificate (CERT-AUS3)
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (GRASD) Certificate (CERT-ASD) , Certificate (CERT-ASD2) , Certificate (CERT-ASD3)
Behavioral Data Analytics (GRBDA) Certificate (CERT-BDA) , Certificate (CERT-BDA2)
College Teaching (GRCOT) Certificate (CERT-COT) , Certificate (CERT-COT2) , Certificate (CERT-COT3)
Composite Social Studies Ed (UGSSE) Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-SSCI)
Computer Science Education (GRCSE) Certificate (CERT-CSE) , Certificate (CERT-CSE2)
Counseling (GRCON) Certificate (CERT-COUN) , Certificate (CERT-COUN2) , Certificate (CERT-COUN3)
Counseling (GRCOU) Master of Arts (MA-COUN) , Master of Arts (MA-COUN2) , Master of Arts (MA-COUN3)
Crp Training & Performance IDT (GRCTP) Certificate (CERT-CTP) , Certificate (CERT-CTP2)
Diversity and Inclusion (UGDIN) Certificate (CERT-DIN) , Certificate (CERT-DIN2) , Certificate (CERT-DIN3)
Dyslexia & Lang-Bas Read Dis (UGDLB) Certificate (CERT-DLBR2)
Early Childhood Education (GRECE) Master of Science (MS-ECE) , Master of Science (MS-ECE2) , Master of Science (MS-ECE3)
Early Childhood Education (UGECE) Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-ECE) , Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-ECE2) , Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-ECE3)
Education / General Studies (GREGS) Master of Science (MS-EGS) , Master of Science (MS-EGS2)
Education, Health, & Behavior (GREHB) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-HED)
Educational Foundations & Rese (GREFR) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-EFR)
Educational Leadership (GREDL) Specialist Diploma (SPECDIP-EL)
Elementary Education (GRELM) Master of Education (MED-ELEM) , Master of Education (MED-ELEM2) , Master of Education (MED-ELEM3)
Elementary Education (UGELM) Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-ELM) , Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-ELM2) , Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-ELM3)
Higher Education (GRHED) Master of Science (MS-HED) , Master of Science (MS-HED2)
IDT Grad Cert in eLearning (GRELG) Certificate (CERT-ELRN2) , Certificate (CERT-ELRN3) , Certificate (CERT-ELRNG)
Indigenous Language Education (UGILE) Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-ILE) , Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-ILE2)
Instructional Coaching (GRINC) Certificate (CERT-INC) , Certificate (CERT-INC2)
Instructional Design & Tech (GRIDT) Master of Education (MED-IDT) , Master of Education (MED-IDT2) , Master of Education (MED-IDT3) , Master of Science (MS-IDT) , Master of Science (MS-IDT2) , Master of Science (MS-IDT3)
K-12 Tech Integration IDT (GRTIN) Certificate (CERT-TIN) , Certificate (CERT-TIN2)
Learning Analytics (GRLNA) Certificate (CERT-LNA) , Certificate (CERT-LNA2) , Certificate (CERT-LNA3)
Middle Level Education (UGMLE) Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-MLE)
Music (UGMUS) Bachelor of Arts (BA-MUSC) , Bachelor of Music (BM-MUSCED) , Bachelor of Music (BM-MUSCPR) , Bachelor of Music (BM-MUSCTH)
Music Education (GRMUE) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-MUE)
Physics for Teachers (GRPHT) Certificate (CERT-PHT)
Quantitative Research Methods (GRQRM) Certificate (CERT-QRM) , Certificate (CERT-QRM2) , Certificate (CERT-QRM3)
Reading Education (GRRDE) Master of Education (MED-RDE) , Master of Education (MED-RDE2) , Master of Education (MED-RDE3) , Master of Science (MS-RDE) , Master of Science (MS-RDE2) , Master of Science (MS-RDE3)
School Counseling for Educator (GRSCE) Certificate (CERT-SCE) , Certificate (CERT-SCE2) , Certificate (CERT-SCE3)
School Counseling Re-Specializ (GRSCR) Certificate (CERT-SCR) , Certificate (CERT-SCR2) , Certificate (CERT-SCR3)
Science (UGSCI) Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-SCI)
Secondary Education (UGSED) Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-SED)
Special Ed: Appl Beh Analysis (GRSPE) Certificate (CERT-ABA) , Certificate (CERT-ABA2) , Certificate (CERT-ABA3)
Special Education (GRSED) Master of Education (MED-SED) , Master of Education (MED-SED2) , Master of Education (MED-SED3) , Master of Science (MS-SED) , Master of Science (MS-SED2) , Master of Science (MS-SED3)
Special Education (GRSPC) Certificate (CERT-SPEC) , Certificate (CERT-SPEC2) , Certificate (CERT-SPEC3)
Special Education (UGSPE) Certificate (CERT-SPE) , Certificate (CERT-SPE2) , Certificate (CERT-SPE3)
Teaching and Leadership (GRCIN) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-EDL) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-EDL2) , Master of Science (MS-CIN) , Master of Science (MS-CIN2) , Master of Science (MS-CIN3)
Teaching and Learning (GRTAL) Doctor of Education (EDD-T&L) , Doctor of Education (EDD-T&L2) , Doctor of Education (EDD-T&L3)
TESOL (GRELL) Certificate (CERT-ELLE2) , Certificate (CERT-ELLE3) , Certificate (CERT-ELLED) , Master of Education (MED-ELL) , Master of Education (MED-ELL2) , Master of Education (MED-ELL3)
Vocational Marketing Education (UGVME) Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-VME)


Program Degrees Offered
Biomedical Engineering (GRBME) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-BME) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-BME2) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-BME3) , Master of Science (MS-BME) , Master of Science (MS-BME2) , Master of Science (MS-BME3)
Biomedical Engineering (UGBME) Bachelor of Science (BS-BME) , Bachelor of Science (BS-BME2) , Bachelor of Science (BS-BME3)
Chemical Engineering (GRCHE) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-CHE) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-CHE2) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-CHE) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-CHE2) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-CHE3) , Master of Science (MS-CHE) , Master of Science (MS-CHE2) , Master of Science (MS-CHE3)
Chemical Engineering (UGCHE) Bachelor of Science in Chem E (BSCHE-CHE) , Bachelor of Science in Chem E (BSCHE-CHE2) , Bachelor of Science in Chem E (BSCHE-CHE3)
Civil Engineering (GRCVE) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-CE) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-CE2) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-CE) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-CE2) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-CE3) , Master of Science (MS-CE) , Master of Science (MS-CE2) , Master of Science (MS-CE3)
Civil Engineering (UGCVE) Bachelor of Science in Civil E (BSCE-CE) , Bachelor of Science in Civil E (BSCE-CE2) , Bachelor of Science in Civil E (BSCE-CE3)
Electrical Engineering (GRETE) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-EE) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-EE2) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHE-EE3) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-EE) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-EE2) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-EE3) , Master of Science (MS-EE) , Master of Science (MS-EE2) , Master of Science (MS-EE3)
Electrical Engineering (UGETE) Bachelor of Science in E E (BSEE-EE) , Bachelor of Science in E E (BSEE-EE2) , Bachelor of Science in E E (BSEE-EE3)
Energy Engineering (GRENE) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-ENE) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-ENE2) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-ENE3)
Energy Engineering (GRSEN) Master of Engineering (MENGR-SE) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-SE2) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-SE3) , Master of Science (MS-SEN) , Master of Science (MS-SEN2) , Master of Science (MS-SEN3)
Energy Storage Systems (GRESS) Certificate (CERT-ESS) , Certificate (CERT-ESS2)
Environmental Engineering (GREEN) Certificate (CERT-IES) , Certificate (CERT-IES2) , Certificate (CERT-IES3)
Environmental Engineering (GRIES) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-IES) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-IES2) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-IES3) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-IES) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-IES2) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-IES3) , Master of Science (MS-IES) , Master of Science (MS-IES2) , Master of Science (MS-IES3)
Environmental Geoscience (UGEGS) BS in Environmental Geoscience (BSEG-EG) , BS in Environmental Geoscience (BSEG-EG2) , BS in Environmental Geoscience (BSEG-EG3)
Geological Engineering (GRGLE) Doctor of Philosophy (MENGR-GLE) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-GLE) , Master of Science (MS-GLE) , Master of Science (MS-GLE2)
Geological Engineering (UGGLE) Bachelor of Science in Geo Eng (BSGE-GE) , Bachelor of Science in Geo Eng (BSGE-GE2) , Bachelor of Science in Geo Eng (BSGE-GE3)
Mechanical Engineering (GRMCE) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-ME) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-ME2) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-ME) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-ME2) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-ME3) , Master of Science (MS-ME) , Master of Science (MS-ME2) , Master of Science (MS-ME3)
Mechanical Engineering (UGMCE) Bachelor of Science in Mech En (BSME-ME) , Bachelor of Science in Mech En (BSME-ME2) , Bachelor of Science in Mech En (BSME-ME3)
Petroleum Engineering (GRPTE) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-PTE) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-PTE2) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-PTE3) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-PTE) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-PTE2) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-PTE3) , Master of Science (MS-PTE) , Master of Science (MS-PTE2) , Master of Science (MS-PTE3)
Petroleum Engineering (UGPET) Certificate (CERT-PETE) , Certificate (CERT-PETE2) , Certificate (CERT-PETE3)
Petroleum Engineering (UGPTE) Bach of Sci in Petroleum Eng (BSPTE-PTE) , Bach of Sci in Petroleum Eng (BSPTE-PTE2) , Bach of Sci in Petroleum Eng (BSPTE-PTE3)
Software Engineering (GRSWE) Certificate (CERT-SWE) , Certificate (CERT-SWE2)
Systems Engineering (GRUAE) Certificate (CERT-UAE) , Certificate (CERT-UAE2) , Certificate (CERT-UAE3)
Systems Engineering (GRUAS) Master of Engineering (MENGR-UAS) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-UAS2) , Master of Engineering (MENGR-UAS3) , Master of Science (MS-UAS) , Master of Science (MS-UAS2) , Master of Science (MS-UAS3)

Engineering Technologies And Engineering-Related Fields

Program Degrees Offered
Energy Systems & Optimization (GRESO) Certificate (CERT-ESO) , Certificate (CERT-ESO2)
Petroleum Geology (GRPEG) Certificate (CERT-PEG) , Certificate (CERT-PEG2) , Certificate (CERT-PEG3)

English Language And Literature/Letters

Program Degrees Offered
Creative Writing (UGCWR) Certificate (CERT-CWR)
English (GRENG) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-ENGL) , Master of Arts (MA-ENGL)
English (UGENG) Bachelor of Arts (BA-ENGL)
Writing and Editing (UGWRE) Certificate (CERT-WRE) , Certificate (CERT-WRE2) , Certificate (CERT-WRE3)

Family And Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences

Program Degrees Offered
Human Nutrition (UGCMN) Bachelor of Science in H Nutr (BSCN-CN) , Bachelor of Science in H Nutr (BSCN-CN2)

Foreign Languages, Literatures, And Linguistics

Program Degrees Offered
Classical Languages (UGCLC) Certificate (CERT-CLC)
Classical Studies (UGCST) Bachelor of Arts (BA-CLAS)
French (UGFRC) Certificate (CERT-FRC) , Certificate (CERT-FRC2) , Certificate (CERT-FRC3)
French (UGFRN) Bachelor of Arts (BA-FREN)
German (UGGRM) Certificate (CERT-GRM) , Certificate (CERT-GRM2) , Certificate (CERT-GRM3)
German Studies (UGGER) Bachelor of Arts (BA-GERM)
Linguistics (UGLIN) Certificate (CERT-LIN) , Certificate (CERT-LIN2) , Certificate (CERT-LIN3)
Norwegian (UGNRN) Certificate (CERT-NRN) , Certificate (CERT-NRN2) , Certificate (CERT-NRN3)
Norwegian (UGNRW) Bachelor of Arts (BA-NORW)
Spanish (UGSPN) Bachelor of Arts (BA-SPAN)
Spanish (UGSPS) Certificate (CERT-SPS) , Certificate (CERT-SPS2) , Certificate (CERT-SPS3)

Health Professions And Related Programs

Program Degrees Offered
Advanced Public Health Nurse (GRPHN) Certificate (CERT-PHN)
Behavioral Health (UGBHH) Certificate (CERT-BHH) , Certificate (CERT-BHH2) , Certificate (CERT-BHH3)
Clinical and Translational Sci (GRCTS) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-CTS) , Master of Science (MS-CTS)
Comm Sci & Disorders (GRCSD) Master of Science (MS-CSD)
Comm Sci & Disorders (GRSLP) Master of Science (MS-SLP)
Comm Sci & Disorders (UGCSD) Bachelor of Arts (BA-CSD)
Dietetics (UGDTT) Bachelor of Science -Dietetics (BSD-DIET)
Health Administration (GRHLA) Certificate (CERT-HLA) , Certificate (CERT-HLA2) , Certificate (CERT-HLA3)
Health and Wellness Coaching (GRHWC) Certificate (CERT-HWC) , Certificate (CERT-HWC2)
Health Studies (UGIDS) Bachelor of Science (BS-IDS)
Histotechnician (UGHIT) Certificate (CERT-HIT) , Certificate (CERT-HIT2) , Certificate (CERT-HIT3)
Indigenous Health (GRIHT) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-IHT) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-IHT2)
Medical Laboratory Science (GRCLS) Master of Science (MS-CLS) , Master of Science (MS-CLS2)
Medical Laboratory Science (UGCLS) BS in Medical Laboratory Sci (BSCLS-CLS) , Certificate (CERT-CLS)
Medical Laboratory Science (UGMLC) Certificate (CERT-MLSP2) , Certificate (CERT-MLSPB)
Medicine (MDMED) Doctor of Medicine (MD-MED)
MLS Categorical Training (UGCCT) Certificate (CERT-CLCH2) , Certificate (CERT-CLCHU) , Certificate (CERT-HET/2) , Certificate (CERT-HET/H) , Certificate (CERT-IMMU) , Certificate (CERT-IMMU2) , Certificate (CERT-MICR2) , Certificate (CERT-MICRO)
Music (UGMUS) Bachelor of Arts (BA-MUSC) , Bachelor of Music (BM-MUSCED) , Bachelor of Music (BM-MUSCPR) , Bachelor of Music (BM-MUSCTH)
Nurse Educator (GRNED) Certificate (CERT-NED) , Certificate (CERT-NED2) , Certificate (CERT-NED3)
Nursing (GRNUR) Master of Science (MS-NURS) , Master of Science (MS-NURS2) , Master of Science (MS-NURS3)
Nursing (UGNUR) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN-NURS) , Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN-NURS2)
Nursing Practice (GRDNP) Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP-DNP) , Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP-DNP2) , Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP-DNP3)
Nutrition (GRNTR) Master of Science (MS-NTR) , Master of Science (MS-NTR2)
Occupational Therapy (GROPT) Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD-OT)
Physical Therapy (GRPTH) Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT-PT)
Physician Assistant (UGPAS) Certificate (CERT-PAS)
Physician Assistant Studies (GRPAS) Master in Physician Assistant (MPAS-PAS)
Psych & Ment Hlth: CN Spclst (GRNRS) Certificate (CERT-NRS)
Psych & Ment Hlth: Nurse Prac (GRNRP) Certificate (CERT-NRP) , Certificate (CERT-NRP2) , Certificate (CERT-NRP3)
Public Health (GRMPC) Certificate (CERT-PH) , Certificate (CERT-PH2) , Certificate (CERT-PH3)
Public Health (GRMPH) Master of Public Health (MPH-PH) , Master of Public Health (MPH-PH2)
Public Health Education (UGPBH) BS in Public Health Education (BSPBH-PBH) , BS in Public Health Education (BSPBH-PBH2) , BS in Public Health Education (BSPBH-PBH3)
Rehabilitation & Human Serv (UGRHS) Bachelor of Science in Rehab/H (BSRHS-RHS) , Bachelor of Science in Rehab/H (BSRHS-RHS2) , Bachelor of Science in Rehab/H (BSRHS-RHS3)


Program Degrees Offered
History (GRHIS) Doctor of Arts (DA-HIST)
History (UGHIS) Bachelor of Arts (BA-HIST) , Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-HIST)

Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting And Related Protective Services

Program Degrees Offered
Computer Hacking Forensics (GRCHF) Certificate (CERT-CHF) , Certificate (CERT-CHF3)
Criminal Justice (GRCRJ) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-CJ) , Master of Science (MS-CJ) , Master of Science (MS-CJ2)
Criminal Justice Studies (UGCJS) Bachelor of Science-Criminal J (BSCJS-CJS) , Bachelor of Science-Criminal J (BSCJS-CJS2)
Cyber Security Analyst (GRCSA) Certificate (CERT-CSA) , Certificate (CERT-CSA3)
Ethical Hacking (GRETH) Certificate (CERT-ETH) , Certificate (CERT-ETH3)
Forensic Science (UGFRS) Bachelor of Science (BS-FRS)

Legal Professions And Studies

Program Degrees Offered
Aviation Law (LWATP) Certificate (CERT-ATP)
Energy, Environment, & Nat Res (LWENR) Certificate (CERT-ENR)
Indian Law (LWINL) Certificate (CERT-INLAW)
Judicial Doctorate - Law (LWLAW) Juris Doctor (JD-LAW)

Liberal Arts And Sciences, General Studies And Humanities

Program Degrees Offered
General Studies (UGGEN) Bachelor of General Studies (BGS-GS) , Bachelor of General Studies (BGS-GS2) , Bachelor of General Studies (BGS-GS3)

Mathematics And Statistics

Program Degrees Offered
Applied Statistics (GRAST) Master of Science (MS-AST) , Master of Science (MS-AST2)
Mathematics (GRMTH) Master of Education (MED-MATH) , Master of Science (MS-MATH)
Mathematics (UGMTH) Bachelor of Science (BS-MATH) , Bachelor of Science (BS-MATH2) , Bachelor of Science (BS-MATH3)

Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies

Program Degrees Offered
Diverse Perspectives for Profe (UGDPR) Certificate (CERT-DPR) , Certificate (CERT-DPR2)
International Studies (UGITS) Bachelor of Arts (BA-ITS) , Bachelor of Science (BS-ITS)
Society, Technology, & Values (UGSTV)

Natural Resources And Conservation

Program Degrees Offered
Earth System Science & Policy (GRESP) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-ESSP) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-ESSP2) , Master of Environmental Mgmt (MEM-ESSP) , Master of Environmental Mgmt (MEM-ESSP2) , Master of Environmental Mgmt (MEM-ESSP3) , Master of Science (MS-ESSP) , Master of Science (MS-ESSP2)
Energy Dynamics,Policy & Strat (GREDP) Certificate (CERT-EDP) , Certificate (CERT-EDP2)
Environmental Studies (UGEST) Bachelor of Arts (BA-EST) , Bachelor of Science (BS-EST)

Parks, Recreation, Leisure, And Fitness Studies

Program Degrees Offered
Kinesiology (GRKIN) Master of Science (MS-KIN) , Master of Science (MS-KIN2)
Kinesiology (UGPHE) Bachelor of Science in Kinesio (BSPE-PEXS) , Bachelor of Science in Kinesio (BSPE-PEXS2) , Bachelor of Science in Kinesio (BSPE-PEXS3)
Outdoor Education (UGOTE) Certificate (CERT-OTE) , Certificate (CERT-OTE2)

Philosophy And Religious Studies

Program Degrees Offered
Philosophy & Rel Stdies : Phil (UGPRP) Bachelor of Arts (BA-PRP)

Physical Sciences

Program Degrees Offered
Atmospheric Sciences (GRATS) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-ATMSCI) , Master of Science (MS-ATS)
Atmospheric Sciences (UGATS) Bachelor of Science in Atmosph (BSATSC-ATS)
Chemistry (GRCHM) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-CHEM) , Master of Science (MS-CHEM)
Chemistry (UGCHM) Bachelor of Science (BS-CHEM) , Bachelor of Science- Chemistry (BSCHEM-CHM)
Geology (GRGEL) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-GEOL) , Master of Arts (MA-GEOL) , Master of Science (MS-GEOL)
Geology (UGGEL) Bachelor of Science (BS-ESC) , Bachelor of Science (BS-ESC2) , Bachelor of Science (BS-ESC3) , Bachelor of Science in Geology (BSGEOL-GE2) , Bachelor of Science in Geology (BSGEOL-GE3) , Bachelor of Science in Geology (BSGEOL-GEL)
Natural Science (UGNSC) Bachelor of Science (BS-NSCI)
Physics (GRPHY) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-PHYS) , Master of Science (MS-PHYS)
Physics (UGPHY) Bachelor of Science (BS-PHYS)


Program Degrees Offered
Clinical Psychology (GRCLP) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-CLPSYC)
Counseling Psychology (GRCNP) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-CPSYC)
Early Intervention Leadership (GREIL) Certificate (CERT-EIL) , Certificate (CERT-EIL2)
Forensic Psychology (GRFSP) Master of Arts (MA-FSP) , Master of Arts (MA-FSP2)
Forensic Psychology (UGFRP) Certificate (CERT-FRP) , Certificate (CERT-FRP2) , Certificate (CERT-FRP3)
Psychology (GRPSY) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-PSYC) , Master of Arts (MA-PSYC) , Master of Science (MS-FSP)
Psychology (UGPSY) Bachelor of Arts (BA-PSYC) , Bachelor of Arts (BA-PSYC2) , Bachelor of Arts (BA-PSYC3) , Bachelor of Science (BS-PSYC) , Bachelor of Science (BS-PSYC2) , Bachelor of Science (BS-PSYC3)

Public Administration And Social Service Professions

Program Degrees Offered
Policy Analysis (GRPLY) Certificate (CERT-PLYA) , Certificate (CERT-PLYA2) , Certificate (CERT-PLYA3)
Public Administration (GRPAC) Certificate (CERT-PADM) , Certificate (CERT-PADM2) , Certificate (CERT-PADM3)
Public Administration (GRPBA) Master of Public Admin (MPA-PADM) , Master of Public Admin (MPA-PADM2) , Master of Public Admin (MPA-PADM3)
Public Affairs (UGPBA) Bachelor of Science in Pblc Af (BS-PA) , Bachelor of Science in Pblc Af (BS-PA2) , Bachelor of Science in Pblc Af (BS-PA3)
Social Work (GRSWK) Master of Social Work (MSW-SWK) , Master of Social Work (MSW-SWK2)
Social Work (UGSWK) Bachelor of Science in Soc Wk (BSSW-SWK) , Bachelor of Science in Soc Wk (BSSW-SWK2)

Social Sciences

Program Degrees Offered
Anthropology (UGANT) Bachelor of Arts (BA-ANTH)
Applied Economics & Pred Analy (GRAEC) Master of Science in Appl Econ (MS-AEC) , Master of Science in Appl Econ (MS-AEC2) , Master of Science in Appl Econ (MS-AEC3)
Applied Economics & Pred Analy (GRAEN) Certificate (CERT-AEN) , Certificate (CERT-AEN2) , Certificate (CERT-AEN3)
Behavioral Data Analytics (GRBDA) Certificate (CERT-BDA) , Certificate (CERT-BDA2)
Economics (GRECN) Master of Science (MS-ECON)
Economics (UGECN) Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BA-ECON)
Geographic Information Science (GRGIS) Certificate (CERT-GIS) , Certificate (CERT-GIS2)
Geography (GRGEO) Master of Science (MS-GEOG) , Master of Science (MS-GEOG2)
Geography (UGGEO) Bachelor of Science (BS-GEOG)
Inter Relations & Nat Security (UGIRN) Certificate (CERT-IRN) , Certificate (CERT-IRN2) , Certificate (CERT-IRN3)
Leading Social Change (UGLSC)
Political Science (UGPLS) Bachelor of Arts in Political (BA-POLS) , Bachelor of Arts in Political (BA-POLS2) , Bachelor of Arts in Political (BA-POLS3)
Social Data Analytics (GRSDA) Certificate (CERT-SDA) , Certificate (CERT-SDA2)
Social Science (UGSSC) Bachelor of Arts (BA-SSC) , Bachelor of Arts (BA-SSC2) , Bachelor of Arts (BA-SSC3)
Sociology (UGSOC) Bachelor of Arts (BA-SOC) , Bachelor of Arts (BA-SOC2)

Transportation And Materials Moving

Program Degrees Offered
Aerospace Sciences (GRASC) Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-ASC) , Doctor of Philosophy (PHD-ASC2)
Air Traffic Management (UGATC) Bachelor of Science in Aero (BSA-ATC)
Airport Management (UGAPM) Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-APM)
Aviation (GRAVI) Master of Science (MS-AVIT) , Master of Science (MS-AVIT2)
Aviation Management (UGAVM) Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA-AVM)
Aviation Safety and Operations (UGASO) Bachelor of Science in Aero (BSA-ASO) , Bachelor of Science in Aero (BSA-ASO2) , Bachelor of Science in Aero (BSA-ASO3)
Aviation Studies (UGASM) Bachelor of Science in Aero (BSA-ASM2) , Bachelor of Science in Aero (BSA-ASM3)
Commercial Aviation (UGCMA) Bachelor of Science in Aero (BSA-CMA)
Professional Pilot Certificate (UGPPC) Certificate (CERT-PPC)
Space Studies (GRSPS) Master of Science (MS-SPST) , Master of Science (MS-SPST2)
Unmanned Aircraft Sys Operat (UGUAS) Bachelor of Science in Aero (BSA-UAS)

Visual And Performing Arts

Program Degrees Offered
Graphic Design (UGGDA) Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA-GDNAM)
Music (GRMUS) Master of Music (MM-MUSC)
Music (UGMUS) Bachelor of Arts (BA-MUSC) , Bachelor of Music (BM-MUSCED) , Bachelor of Music (BM-MUSCPR) , Bachelor of Music (BM-MUSCTH)
Musical Theatre (UGMUT) Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA-MUT)
Theatre Arts (UGTHR) Bachelor of Arts (BA-THR)
Visual Arts (GRVSA) Master of Fine Arts (MFA-VA)
Visual Arts (UGVSA) Bachelor of Arts (BA-VA) , Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA-VA) , Bachelor of Science in Ed (BSED-VA)