Program List

Area, Ethnic, Cultural, And Gender Studies

Program Degrees Offered
American Indian Studies (UGIS) Bachelor Degree
Native Health & the Humanities (UGNHH) Some College - 9-29 credits
Women & Gender Studies (UGWGN) Some College - 30-59 Credits
Women and Gender Studies (UGWGS) Bachelor Degree

Biological And Biomedical Sciences

Program Degrees Offered
Biology (GRBIO) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (4 Tracks)
Biology (UGBIO) Bachelor Degree (5 Tracks)
Biomedical Sciences (GRBS) Doctorate Degree (2 Tracks) , Master's Degree
Fisheries and Wildlife Biology (UGFWB) Bachelor Degree (3 Tracks)
Molecular and Integrative Biol (UGMIB) Bachelor Degree (3 Tracks)
Public Health (GRMPH) Master's Degree (6 Tracks)

Business, Management, Marketing, And Related Support Services

Program Degrees Offered
Accountancy (GRACC) Master's Degree (13 Tracks)
Accountancy (UGACC) Bachelor Degree
Banking & Financial Economics (UGBFE) Bachelor Degree
Business Administration (GRBSA) Master's Degree (11 Tracks)
Business Economics (UGBSE) Bachelor Degree (4 Tracks)
Entrepreneurial Studies (UGENS) Some College - 9-29 credits
Entrepreneurship (UGENT) Bachelor Degree (3 Tracks)
Finance (UGINV) Bachelor Degree
Human Resource Management (UGHMR) Some College - 9-29 credits
Human Resource Management (UGHRM) Bachelor Degree
Management (UGMNG) Bachelor Degree (2 Tracks)
Managerial Finance & Acct (UGFCA) Bachelor Degree
Marketing (UGMRK) Bachelor Degree
Nonprofit Administration (UGNPL) Some College - 9-29 credits
Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt (UGOSC) Bachelor Degree (2 Tracks)
Social Entrepreneurship (GRSOE) Post Bachelors
Tax Compliance and Planning (GRTCP) Post Bachelors

Communication, Journalism And Related Programs

Program Degrees Offered
Communicating Science (GRCSC) Post Bachelors
Communication (GRCMM) Master's Degree (6 Tracks)
Communication (GRCPD) Doctorate Degree
Communication (UGCOM) Bachelor Degree (5 Tracks)
Conflict Mediation (UGCME) Some College - 9-29 credits
Health Communication (UGHTC) Some College - 9-29 credits
Journalism (UGJOU)
News Production (UGNPR) Some College - 9-29 credits
Prof & Exec Communication (UGPEC) Some College - 9-29 credits (2 Tracks)
Social Media Strategies in Com (UGSMC) Some College - 9-29 credits
Sports Communication (UGSCO) Some College - 9-29 credits
Strategic Comm, Advert & Pub R (UGSCA) Some College - 9-29 credits

Communications Technologies/Technicians And Support Services

Program Degrees Offered
Digital Prod for Media Industr (UGDPM) Some College - 9-29 credits

Computer And Information Sciences And Support Services

Program Degrees Offered
AI and Machine Learning (GRAIM) Post Bachelors
Computer Science (GRCPS) Master's Degree (6 Tracks)
Computer Science (GRSCC) Doctorate Degree
Computer Science (UGCPS) Bachelor Degree (2 Tracks)
Cyber Security (GRCYB) Post Bachelors
Cyber Security (GRCYS) Master's Degree (6 Tracks)
Cyber Security (UGCYS) Bachelor Degree
Data Science (UGDSC) Bachelor Degree (5 Tracks)
Information Systems (UGIFS) Bachelor Degree
Secure Networks (GRSNE) Post Bachelors


Program Degrees Offered
Autism Spectrum Disorder (UGASD) Some College - 9-29 credits
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (GRASD) Post Bachelors
Behavioral Data Analytics (GRBDA) Post Bachelors
College Teaching (GRCOT) Post Bachelors
Composite Social Studies Ed (UGSSE) Bachelor Degree
Computer Science Education (GRCSE) Post Bachelors
Counseling (GRCOU) Master's Degree (8 Tracks)
Crp Training & Performance IDT (GRCTP) Post Bachelors
Diversity and Inclusion (UGDIN) Some College - 9-29 credits
Dyslexia & Lang-Bas Read Dis (UGDLB) Some College - 9-29 credits
Early Childhood Educ Adm & Ldr (GRECA) Post Bachelors
Early Childhood Education (GRECC) Post Bachelors
Early Childhood Education (GRECE) Master's Degree (4 Tracks)
Early Childhood Education (UGECE) Bachelor Degree
Education / General Studies (GREGS) Master's Degree (3 Tracks)
Education, Health, & Behavior (GREHB) Doctorate Degree (5 Tracks)
Educational Foundations & Rese (GREFR) Doctorate Degree
Educational Leadership (GREDL) Post Master's
Elementary Education (GRELM) Master's Degree (4 Tracks)
Elementary Education (UGELM) Bachelor Degree
Higher Education (GRHED) Master's Degree
IDT Grad Cert in eLearning (GRELG) Post Bachelors
Instructional Coaching (GRINC) Post Bachelors
Instructional Design & Tech (GRIDT) Master's Degree (4 Tracks)
K-12 Tech Integration IDT (GRTIN) Post Bachelors
Kinesiology (GRKIN) Master's Degree (5 Tracks)
Kinesiology (UGPHE) Bachelor Degree (6 Tracks)
Learning Analytics (GRLNA) Post Bachelors
Mastery Learning (GRMLC) Post Bachelors
Middle Level Education (UGMLE) Bachelor Degree
Music (UGMUS) Bachelor Degree (9 Tracks)
Music Education (GRMUE) Doctorate Degree
Physics for Teachers (GRPHT) Post Bachelors
Qualitative Inquiry Methods (GRQIM) Post Bachelors
Quantitative Research Methods (GRQRM) Post Bachelors (3 Tracks)
Reading Education (GRRDE) Master's Degree (5 Tracks)
Reading Science (GRRSC) Post Bachelors
School Counseling for Educator (GRSCE) Post Bachelors
School Counseling Re-Specializ (GRSCR) Post Bachelors
Science (UGSCI) Bachelor Degree
Science of Reading (UGRSC) Some College - 9-29 credits
Secondary Education (UGSED) Bachelor Degree
Special Ed: Appl Beh Analysis (GRSPE) Post Bachelors
Special Education (GRSED) Master's Degree (16 Tracks)
Special Education (GRSPC) Post Bachelors (6 Tracks)
Special Education (UGSPE) Some College - 9-29 credits
Teaching and Leadership (GRCIN) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (14 Tracks)
Teaching and Learning (GRTAL) Doctorate Degree (9 Tracks)
TESOL (GRELL) Master's Degree, Post Bachelors
Visual Impairment (GRVIM) Post Bachelors
Vocational Marketing Education (UGVME) Bachelor Degree


Program Degrees Offered
Aerospace Engineering (UGAEG) Bachelor Degree
Biomedical Engineering (GRBME) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (3 Tracks)
Biomedical Engineering (UGBME) Bachelor Degree (5 Tracks)
Chemical Engineering (GRCHE) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (5 Tracks)
Chemical Engineering (UGCHE) Bachelor Degree (4 Tracks)
Civil Engineering (GRCVE) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (4 Tracks)
Civil Engineering (UGCVE) Bachelor Degree (2 Tracks)
Electrical Engineering (GRETE) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (5 Tracks)
Electrical Engineering (UGETE) Bachelor Degree (5 Tracks)
Energy Engineering (GRENE) Doctorate Degree
Energy Engineering (GRSEN) Master's Degree (3 Tracks)
Energy Storage Systems (GRESS) Post Bachelors
Environmental Engineering (GREEN) Post Bachelors
Environmental Engineering (GRIES) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (3 Tracks)
Environmental Geoscience (UGEGS) Bachelor Degree
Geological Engineering (GRGLE) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (2 Tracks)
Geological Engineering (UGGLE) Bachelor Degree (4 Tracks)
Mechanical Engineering (GRMCE) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (4 Tracks)
Mechanical Engineering (UGMCE) Bachelor Degree (5 Tracks)
Petroleum Engineering (GRPTE) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (3 Tracks)
Petroleum Engineering (UGPET) Some College - 30-59 Credits
Petroleum Engineering (UGPTE) Bachelor Degree
Software Engineering (GRSWE) Post Bachelors
Systems Engineering (GRUAE) Post Bachelors
Systems Engineering (GRUAS) Master's Degree (3 Tracks)

Engineering Technologies And Engineering-Related Fields

Program Degrees Offered
Energy Systems & Optimization (GRESO) Post Bachelors
Petroleum Geology (GRPEG) Post Bachelors

English Language And Literature/Letters

Program Degrees Offered
Creative Writing (UGCWR) Some College - 9-29 credits
English (GRENG) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree
English (UGENG) Bachelor Degree (2 Tracks)
Writing, Editing, & Publishing (UGWRE) Some College - 9-29 credits

Family And Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences

Program Degrees Offered
Human Nutrition (UGCMN) Bachelor Degree

Foreign Languages, Literatures, And Linguistics

Program Degrees Offered
Classical Languages (UGCLC) Some College - 9-29 credits
Classical Studies (UGCST) Bachelor Degree (4 Tracks)
French (UGFRC) Some College - 9-29 credits
French (UGFRN) Bachelor Degree (2 Tracks)
German (UGGRM) Some College - 9-29 credits
German Studies (UGGER) Bachelor Degree (2 Tracks)
Linguistics (UGLIN) Some College - 9-29 credits
Norwegian (UGNRN) Some College - 9-29 credits
Norwegian (UGNRW) Bachelor Degree
Spanish (UGSPN) Bachelor Degree (3 Tracks)
Spanish (UGSPS) Some College - 9-29 credits

Health Professions And Related Programs

Program Degrees Offered
Adult-Gerontology Acute CareNP (GRNUG) Post Bachelors
Advanced Public Health Nurse (GRPHN) Post Bachelors
Athletic Training (GRATT) Master's Degree
Behavioral Health (UGBHH) Some College - 9-29 credits
Clinical and Translational Sci (GRCTS) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree
Comm Sci & Disorders (GRSLP) Master's Degree (3 Tracks)
Comm Sci & Disorders (UGCMD) Some College - 30-59 Credits
Comm Sci & Disorders (UGCSD) Bachelor Degree
Dietetics (UGDTT) Bachelor Degree
Health Administration (GRHLA) Post Bachelors
Health and Wellness Coaching (GRHWC) Post Bachelors
Health Studies (UGIDS) Bachelor Degree (7 Tracks)
Histotechnician (UGHIT) Some College - 30-59 Credits, Some College - 9-29 credits
Inclusive Rehabilitation Scien (UGRHS) Bachelor Degree (8 Tracks)
Indigenous Health (GRIHT) Doctorate Degree
Medical Laboratory Science (GRCLS) Master's Degree
Medical Laboratory Science (UGCLS) Bachelor Degree, Some College - 30-59 Credits (2 Tracks)
Medical Laboratory Science (UGMLC) Some College - 30-59 Credits
Medicine (MDMED) Doctor's Degree - professional
MLS Categorical Training (UGCCT) Some College - 30-59 Credits, Some College - 9-29 credits (4 Tracks)
Music (UGMUS) Bachelor Degree (9 Tracks)
Nurse Educator (GRNED) Post Bachelors
Nursing (GRNUR) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (14 Tracks)
Nursing (UGNUR) Bachelor Degree (2 Tracks)
Nursing Practice (GRDNP) First Professional (7 Tracks)
Nutrition (GRNTR) Master's Degree (4 Tracks)
Occupational Therapy (GROPT) Doctor's Degree - professional
Physical Therapy (GRPTH) First Professional
Physician Assistant Studies (GRPAS) Master's Degree
Psych & Ment Hlth: CN Spclst (GRNRS) Post Bachelors
Psych & Ment Hlth: Nurse Prac (GRNRP) Post Bachelors
Public Health (GRMPC) Post Bachelors (5 Tracks)
Public Health (GRMPH) Master's Degree (6 Tracks)
Public Health (UGPHL) Some College - 9-29 credits
Public Health Education (UGPBH) Bachelor Degree (3 Tracks)
Speech-Language Pathology (GRCSD) Master's Degree


Program Degrees Offered
History (GRHIS) Doctorate Degree - research
History (UGHIS) Bachelor Degree (3 Tracks)
Public History (UGPHI) Some College - 9-29 credits

Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting And Related Protective Services

Program Degrees Offered
Computer Hacking Forensics (GRCHF) Post Bachelors
Criminal Justice (GRCRJ) Doctorate Degree (4 Tracks) , Master's Degree (2 Tracks)
Criminal Justice Studies (UGCJS) Bachelor Degree (2 Tracks)
Cyber Security Analyst (GRCSA) Post Bachelors
Ethical Hacking (GRETH) Post Bachelors
Forensic Science (UGFRS) Bachelor Degree (7 Tracks)

Legal Professions And Studies

Program Degrees Offered
Aviation Law (LWATP) Post Bachelors
Energy, Environment, & Nat Res (LWENR) Post Bachelors
Indian Law (LWINL) Post Bachelors
Judicial Doctorate - Law (LWLAW) First Professional

Liberal Arts And Sciences, General Studies And Humanities

Program Degrees Offered
General Studies (UGGEN) Bachelor Degree (7 Tracks)

Mathematics And Statistics

Program Degrees Offered
Applied Statistics (GRAST) Master's Degree
Mathematics (GRMTH) Master's Degree (4 Tracks)
Mathematics (UGMTH) Bachelor Degree (3 Tracks)

Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies

Program Degrees Offered
Business Analytics (UGBAN) Bachelor Degree
Data Science (GRDSC) Master's Degree
Data Science (UGDSC) Bachelor Degree (5 Tracks)
Global Studies (UGITS) Bachelor Degree (3 Tracks)
Health Studies (UGIDS) Bachelor Degree (7 Tracks)

Natural Resources And Conservation

Program Degrees Offered
Earth System Science & Policy (GRESP) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (2 Tracks)
Energy Dynamics,Policy & Strat (GREDP) Post Bachelors
Environmental Studies (UGEST) Bachelor Degree (2 Tracks)

Parks, Recreation, Leisure, And Fitness Studies

Program Degrees Offered
Esports (UGESP)
Kinesiology (GRKIN) Master's Degree (5 Tracks)
Kinesiology (UGPHE) Bachelor Degree (6 Tracks)
Outdoor Education (UGOTE) Some College - 30-59 Credits

Philosophy And Religious Studies

Program Degrees Offered
Philosophy & Ethics (UGPRP) Bachelor Degree (3 Tracks)

Physical Sciences

Program Degrees Offered
Atmospheric Sciences (GRATS) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (2 Tracks)
Atmospheric Sciences (UGATS) Bachelor Degree
Chemistry (GRCHM) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (6 Tracks)
Chemistry (UGCHM) Bachelor Degree (13 Tracks)
Geology (GRGEL) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (2 Tracks)
Geology (UGGEL) Bachelor Degree (4 Tracks)
Natural Science (UGNSC) Bachelor Degree
Physics (GRPHY) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree (2 Tracks)
Physics (UGPHY) Bachelor Degree (7 Tracks)


Program Degrees Offered
Clinical Psychology (GRCLP) Doctorate Degree
Counseling Psychology (GRCNP) Doctorate Degree
Early Intervention Leadership (GREIL) Post Bachelors
Forensic Psychology (GRFSP) Master's Degree
Forensic Psychology (UGFRP) Some College - 9-29 credits
Psychology (GRPSY) Doctorate Degree, Master's Degree
Psychology (UGPSY) Bachelor Degree (8 Tracks)

Public Administration And Social Service Professions

Program Degrees Offered
Policy Analysis (GRPLY) Post Bachelors
Public Administration (GRPAC) Post Bachelors
Public Administration (GRPBA) Master's Degree (5 Tracks)
Public Affairs (UGPBA) Bachelor Degree (3 Tracks)
Social Work (GRSWK) Master's Degree (3 Tracks)
Social Work (UGSWK) Bachelor Degree (2 Tracks)

Social Sciences

Program Degrees Offered
Anthropology (UGANT) Bachelor Degree
Applied Economics & Pred Analy (GRAEC) Master's Degree (8 Tracks)
Applied Economics & Pred Analy (GRAEN) Post Bachelors (2 Tracks)
Behavioral Data Analytics (GRBDA) Post Bachelors
Economics (GRECN) Master's Degree
Economics (UGECN) Bachelor Degree
Geographic Information Science (GRGIS) Post Bachelors
Geography (GRGEO) Master's Degree (4 Tracks)
Geography (UGGEO) Bachelor Degree (8 Tracks)
Inter Relations & Nat Security (UGIRN) Some College - 9-29 credits
Political Science (UGPLS) Bachelor Degree (2 Tracks)
Social Data Analytics (GRSDA) Post Bachelors
Social Science (UGSSC) Bachelor Degree (3 Tracks)
Sociology (GRSOC) Master's Degree
Sociology (UGSOC) Bachelor Degree

Transportation And Materials Moving

Program Degrees Offered
Aerospace Sciences (GRASC) Doctorate Degree
Air Traffic Management (UGATC) Bachelor Degree (2 Tracks)
Airport Management (UGAPM) Bachelor Degree (3 Tracks)
Aviation (GRAVI) Master's Degree (8 Tracks)
Aviation Management (UGAVM) Bachelor Degree (7 Tracks)
Aviation Safety and Operations (UGASO) Bachelor Degree (3 Tracks)
Aviation Studies (UGASM) Bachelor Degree (3 Tracks)
Commercial Aviation (UGCMA) Bachelor Degree (5 Tracks)
Professional Pilot Certificate (UGPPC) Some College - 9-29 credits
Space Studies (GRSPS) Master's Degree (3 Tracks)
Unmanned Aircraft Sys Operat (UGUAS) Bachelor Degree (9 Tracks)

Visual And Performing Arts

Program Degrees Offered
Graphic Design (UGGDA) Bachelor Degree
Music (GRMUS) Master's Degree (10 Tracks)
Music (UGMUS) Bachelor Degree (9 Tracks)
Musical Theatre (UGMUT) Bachelor Degree
Theatre Arts (UGTHR) Bachelor Degree (4 Tracks)
Visual Arts (GRVSA) Master's Degree
Visual Arts (UGVSA) Bachelor Degree (17 Tracks)