State of North Dakota CTE Overview
The following charts describe the pathway statistics compiled at a statewide level.
Statewide Overview and Data Explanation
This page describes the CTE makeup at a statewide level. At the top of this page you can filter many of the charts to a specific graduation year. The last five years of data are selectable. The page is then broken into four sections:
  • Overview: These charts describe the CTE enrollment is statewide and show what the popular courses are that students take.
  • Graduates in Post Secondary: These charts show post-secondary activity of students who meet the requirements of at least one pathway and who graduated high school. The enrollment chart uses data collected by the National Student Clearinghouse and will show students at public and private institutions, both in-state and out-of-state. The other three charts show post-secondary completers and is filtered to students in the public North Dakota University System. Note that as your selected graduation year filter is more recent, the numbers shown here get smaller. This is due to the length of time that has passed since graduation is less and many students are still taking post-secondary coursework.
  • CTE Schools in North Dakota: This map shows the schools in North Dakota where a student can take CTE coursework. Selecting the pinpoints will allow you to explore the school. Offerings based on the academic year. The graduation year filter at the top does not affect this data.
  • Pathway Offerings in North Dakota: This table shows CTE Pathways offered within North Dakota Public Schools offered in the academic year. Select a row to explore more details about that pathway.
In North Dakota, students don't declare path of study like what is commonly seen in post-secondary coursework. Here, they just take classes that appeal to thier interests. The North Dakota CTE Department has defined groups of coursework that we call Pathways.
To meet the requirements to be in the pathway, a student needs to have taken at least four credits in any CTE coursework. Two of those credits have to come from classes that define the pathway. Select the pathway to find out what specific coursework is required. Furthermore, some datasets require that a student be a part of only a single pathway cohort, if any at all. In North Dakota, we call this the Primary Pathway. To determine this, a student's primary pathway will be defined as the one with the most course credits earned. If there are one or more with the same credit totals, the most recent course taken will be the tiebreaker. If there is still a tie, then a CTE pre-defined priority across pathways is used.
Please contact CTE with any questions or feedback by emailing or by calling (701) 328-3180. Please reference that it is about the Insights.ND.Gov application.
Chart Filters
The following filter allows you to choose which high school graduation year will be reflected in the charts below.
These charts describe the pathway before the students leave high school.

CTE Enrollment over Time

This line chart shows all enrolled students who meet the requirements for over the last 5 years.

Statewide Course Offerings in

This chart shows the top 6 most popular CTE Courses in ordered by the number of students who were enrolled.

CTE Schools in North Dakota
This map shows where a student can take CTE coursework in the academic year. Selecting the pinpoints will allow you to explore the school.
Pathway Offerings
This table shows CTE Pathways offered within North Dakota Public Schools offered in the academic year. Select a row to explore more details about that pathway.