TGU Public School District

COVID-19 Notice:

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, state assessments were not administered and therefore data for student achievement and student growth are not available for the 2019-2020 school year.

Based upon North Dakota''s waiver approved by U.S. Department of Education, North Dakota''s Department of Public Instruction did not calculate the Accountability Index for schools for the 2019-2020 report cards. Furthermore, Choice Ready data was not collected for the 2019-2020 school year. The School Support Status is based upon school performance results for the 2018-2019 school year.

Two Year Growth

Student Growth Values 

Student Growth Values (SGVs) are normative percentiles that compare growth over time among students in the same achievement group (i.e., peers). Students are grouped based on their prior performance, so that all students in a comparison group have similar previous performance. Students are then ranked by percentile based on their change in year to year performance. Even though SGVs are normative measures, they can be used with a criterion reference, such as an achievement level. The objective is to encourage students to improve their performance on state assessments no matter which level of proficiency is achieved in the assessed subjects for Math and/or English Language Arts. For example, a student with a Math SGV of 40 demonstrated more growth between the prior and current year than 40% of students in their grade who started at the same achievement level; similarly, they demonstrated less growth than 60% of students who started at the same achievement level.


North Dakota SGVs are calculated by constructing state-wide peer groups according to grade and achievement level for all 3rd through 8th grade students with NDSA achievement scores in English Language Arts and Math from the most recent, or current, administration and the prior administration. Student peer groups are formed by current grade and by achievement level in the prior year. For each student within these peer groups, the difference between current year scale scores and prior year scale scores are calculated independently for each current grade and subject. These differences are ordered from smallest to largest, then assigned a percentile value, yielding the Student Growth Value.


Results are reported according to current school and district for those students who may have transferred between, or during, the school year.


NDSA Two-Year Growth Graphs

These graphs demonstrate student progress against growth expectation over the current and prior achievement results in ELA and Math. For the currently select school or district, the percentage of students at each of the four growth levels is compared against the distribution student growth at the district-level (for schools) and at the state-level.


The four growth levels are defined as follows:

  • Exceeds Expectations: Students demonstrating Student Growth Values 93 to 100.
  • Meets Expectations: Students demonstrating Student Growth Values 50 to 92.
  • Approaching Expectations: Students demonstrating Student Growth Values 7 to 49.
  • Does not Meet Expectations: Students demonstrating Student Growth Values 0 to 6.


To protect student privacy, data for schools who have less than 10 students will not be displayed.


In some cases, when appropriate for the purpose of transparency, information involving 10 or more students may be displayed in ranges to avoid potential identification of students in small demographic populations. When utilized, ranges may be represented visually with diagonal lines or open circles in lightly shaded colors.

Please contact North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction with any questions and feedback via email to the following address:

Data Type:
Grade Level
Academic Year:
Grade Level